Oh, Boy

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After school, Sabrina was in the mall with her grandmother. "I can see why her last name is Bratt—she's so spoiled rotten," she muttered. "She's been mean to me since the open house. She and her brother tried to humiliate me, but I fired their insults back at them. I think it's all because she wanted this necklace."

"Don't let a jealous spoiled brat bring you down, mija," Carmen said. "You're a smart girl, and you seem to be discouraging that brat from what she'd been doing to you."

Suddenly, Mr. Beck showed up. "Sabrina, good to see you," he smiled.

"Mr. Beck, I had no idea you'd be here," Sabrina smiled back.

"I was just in Strings N Things when I saw a flier for this Sunday afternoon's violin contest," Mr. Beck said, handing Sabrina a flier. "First prize is a fancy Little Mermaid-themed violin."

"As in the Disney version?" Sabrina gaped.

"Indeed," Mr. Beck nodded. "You can sign up at the store. It's just down the hall."

"Thanks, Mr. Beck, but where are my manners?" Sabrina asked. "This is my grandmother Carmen."

"Nice to meet you," Mr. Beck smiled, shaking Carmen's hand. "Sabrina said she moved in with you over the summer."

"My husband died, so it was tough for me to take care of the house on my own," Carmen admitted.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Mr. Beck apologized. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Sabrina. By the way, the shop is over at that corner on your left-hand side."

"Okay, thanks," Sabrina waved as her teacher left.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Carmen smiled. "Let's go and sign you up for that contest."

"Okay," Sabrina said.

Sabrina and Carmen went off to Strings N Things. What they didn't know was that Amber and Robert had been eavesdropping on them.

"Why is Mr. Beck encouraging Sabrina after what she did to me?" Amber asked jealously. "She already became popular enough by firing my insults back on me like a boomerang and getting the entire school to laugh at me. If she participates in that violin contest, everyone in town will know how good she is—and then she'll take my place as the most popular girl in school."

"Not if we can help it," Robert smirked.

Meanwhile, Sabrina and Carmen were at Strings N Things, and Sabrina signed up for the violin contest.

"That violin is just beyond breathtaking—I didn't know they even made violins like that," Sabrina said.

"I look forward to seeing you participate," Carmen smiled.

Suddenly, Amber and Robert showed up.

"Hi, Sabrina, I had no idea you'd be here," Amber said, pretending to be nice, but it was obvious she was being rude.

"I'm just getting to know this part of Albuquerque," Sabrina declared.

"It looks like Strings N Things is having a violin contest over the weekend," Robert said. "You ought to consider participating."

"Funny you should say that—I just signed up," Sabrina smiled.

"I see, and since you're already the best violinist in school, you're going to win easily, unlike me because I not only have a viola but also lack violin skills," Amber snarled.

Those words made Sabrina feel awful. "Gosh, Amber, I'm really sorry I humiliated you today," she apologized.

"Don't worry about it—I'm over it now," Amber declared.

"Well, okay," Sabrina shrugged. "I do have a few little words of advice: either sign up for the viola class or exchange your viola for a violin."

"Thanks," Amber said. "But I'm not willing to shorten my beautifully long nails, so I have no choice to return my viola."

"Okay," Sabrina said, still crept out by Amber's attitude.

"How's about that date?" Robert asked.

"Forget it, Robert," Sabrina frowned. "I'm not going on a date with you. Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow." She and Carmen walked off.

"Did you hear that?" Amber muttered. "If I can find a way to humiliate Sabrina, she'll be a bigger laughingstock than I was."

"How can you do that?" Robert asked.

"If I can get her home address, I'll see what she does at home and leak it to the entire school—no, everyone at the mall—and she'll have to laughed out of the country," Amber declared.

"But exactly how are we going to get her home address?" Robert asked. "Judging by how smart she is, there's no way she'll be stupid enough to tell us where she lives."

"We don't have to ask her—we'll just have to hack into the school system and find her address," Amber declared.

"Sounds good," Robert smirked.

The next day at school, Sabrina was on her way to music class when she crossed paths with Harvard.

"Sabrina, I hear you're participating in the annual Strings N Things violin contest on Sunday," Harvard smiled.

"Did you hear from Mr. Beck already?" Sabrina asked.

"Actually, I heard it from Amber—everyone in school did," Harvard said.

Amber and Robert showed up.

"Surprise, Sabrina—now everyone knows you're participating in the mall's violin contest," Amber smirked.

The look on Amber's face made Sabrina suspicious. "What exactly are you up to, Amber?" she asked. "This doesn't have to do with yesterday, does it?"

"What?" Amber asked. "No, of course not—everyone deserves to see how good you are on the violin."

"Well, okay," Sabrina said suspiciously, walking off.

"Amber, what's going on?" Harvard asked. "You're not trying to hurt Sabrina for what happened yesterday, are you?"

"No, why would I do that?" Amber asked.

"Because she got the necklace you wanted, she's already the best violinist in Mesa Grande, she told you to cut your nails in order to sound good in the violin—or viola—and you tried to humiliate her, but she fired your insults back at you," Harvard frowned. "I've got my eyes on both of you." He then walked off.

After school, Sabrina was about to reach her limo when Robert stopped her. "Where are you going, Sabrina?" he asked.

"Home," Sabrina replied.

"Why are you going home when you should be going on a date with me?" Robert asked, taking Sabrina's hand.

"I never agreed to go with you on a date," Sabrina frowned, taking her hand away. "Not only do I have to get started on my homework, but I have to practice my violin."

"What's the point of practicing when you're already good at it?" Robert asked. "You could just practice me."

"Don't be ridiculous," Sabrina spat. "Good day to you." She climbed into her limo and rode home. "What is it with those Bratt twins? Why do they want to embarrass me so badly? It can't be because I got something Amber wanted and humiliated her yesterday, right? I didn't mean to humiliate her—she's so spoiled!"

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