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That Saturday, Carmen, Elena, and David were about to go out, leaving Sabrina home alone, but she was feeling many emotions right now—and it wasn't because she was going to be in this big house by herself.

"What's wrong, Sabrina?" Carmen asked.

"Abuela, I swear the Bratt twins are up to something," Sabrina declared. "They spread the word all over school that I'm participating in the violin contest, and they seem suspicious. Plus, Amber keeps making me feel bad about getting the necklace she wanted just by boasting about her beautiful necklace. Also, Robert keeps asking me on a date, so he can embarrass me. This first week of school has been tough in some ways."

"Aw, mija, don't let them bring you down," Carmen said. "Just be strong and show them that you're too good for them."

"Okay," Sabrina nodded.

"Now remember, mija, if anything happens while we're out, call us," Elena said.

"I will, Mamá," Sabrina nodded.

"Good girl," David smiled. "We'll be back for lunch."

"And by the time we get back we can make Abuelo's famous brownies for dessert," Carmen smiled. "We'll see you later."

"Okay," Sabrina said.

Elena, Carmen, and David got into a car, and they rode off. Now Sabrina was home alone, and she decided to take advantage of this time to practice for tomorrow afternoon's violin contest. She went into the music room to practice. What she didn't know was that Amber and Robert were outside her house, ready to spy on her.

"This house is so big—how can we even find Sabrina in there?" Robert asked. "If we even try to sneak into the house, she's sure to call the cops. Plus, there may be a security system."

"Good question," Amber said. Then she peeked into a window and found Sabrina. "I found her. I bet she's reading about how to win tomorrow's violin contest."

Sabrina was reading a music book, wondering what song to play for the contest, when she heard Amber shout out, "She's definitely plotting to embarrass me tomorrow!"

Sabrina jumped at the sound of Amber's voice. "What was that?" she asked herself. She looked outside the window but saw nothing. "For a minute there, I thought I heard Amber. Maybe my ears are playing jokes on me." She closed the window and went back to what she was doing. She picked up her violin and started playing "Pure Imagination" from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

What Sabrina didn't know was that Amber and Robert were up a tree.

"Amber, you gotta be quiet—if she finds out we're stalking her, she'll call the police on us," Robert hissed silently.

"I can't help it," Amber tried to defend herself.

Amber and Robert got down and peeked into the window again.

"What song is she playing?" Amber asked.

"It must be a classical song," Robert surmised.

When Sabrina saw a picture of her grandparents, she then started to play "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma" by David Frizzell and Shelly West, and she sang her own lyrics to it.

There's a sunny sky here in Albuquerque

I hope that bright sunlight is you

All I need is your bright light to brighten my darkness

Yes, I'm saying that because it's true

Whenever times got hard, I would come to you

And you'd tell me just how to get through

Now that you're gone,

I'm just not sure if I know just what to do

Oh, life is hard where I live now

Just how can I ever get through?

You're the reason God made Albuquerque

You're the reason God made Albuquerque

And I'm sure missing you

I'm sure missing you

Whenever I'm here in my new home,

I'd be thinking of you

Sometimes when the wind blows, you can see the mountains

Oh, it's just a beautiful view

Everyone's a star in my fancy new school

You ought to see the things that they do

Having served for years in the Mexican army,

You're the greatest person I ever knew

But knowing that you're no longer here,

I sometimes feel blue

You're the reason God made Albuquerque

You're the reason God made Albuquerque

And I'm sure missing you

This neighborhood is very fancy even for a crazy rich girl

But I'll make you proud because I'll do what I can just to be part of this world

You're the reason God made Albuquerque

You're the reason God made Albuquerque

And I'm sure missing you

I'm sure missing you

Sabrina had been practicing for 30 minutes, and she was thinking about what songs to play. Amber and Robert were getting bored of waiting for her to do something embarrassing.

"It's been 30 minutes, and she's spent all that time practicing her violin," Robert sighed.

"Well, she has to do something embarrassing sometime, Robert," Amber declared. "How am I supposed to make her look bad if she's not doing anything embarrassing?"

Suddenly, the house started shaking, and the shaking got harder by the second.

"What's happening?" Amber gulped.

"Earthquake!" Robert shouted. "Get away from the house!" He and Amber got away from the house.

Inside, Sabrina was trying to get somewhere safe but could barely move. A big book fell from a nearby shelf and hit her in the head.

"Ouch!" Sabrina cried. She fell onto the floor and passed out.

Music to My EarsWhere stories live. Discover now