If I Only Had the Nerve

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Meanwhile, Sabrina and her friends were walking through a creepy forest.

"This forest is kinda freaky," Sabrina gulped. "I don't suppose we'll meet any wild animals."

"We might, but mostly lions and tigers and bears," Tin Man said.

"Lions and tigers and bears—oh my!" Sabrina gasped.

Sabrina, Scarecrow, and Tin Man continued to chant this until they heard a lion roaring—and a ferocious lion jumped out. The trio split up, and Scarecrow and Tin Man just hid, but Sabrina wasn't going to let that lion scare her off. She saw that Scarecrow put her violin case down, so she took it out and tried to use it as a crossbow to scare the lion.

"Back, lion! Back!" Sabrina growled.

"Please don't hurt me!" Lion begged.

"I won't as long as you don't hurt my friends," Sabrina told him.

"I'm sorry," Lion apologized. "Oh, what a coward I am! I've no courage at all!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Scarecrow apologized. He turned to Sabrina and asked, "Don't you think the Wizard could help him, too?"

"I don't see why not," Sabrina smiled. She asked Lion, "Why don't you come with us? We're on our way to see the Wizard now to get Scarecrow a brain and Tin Man a heart—I'm sure he can get you some courage."

"That's awfully nice of you—I just gotta tell you how I feel," Lion declared.

"Wait a minute—we need music for this," Scarecrow declared.

"On it," Sabrina smiled. She played her violin, and Lion began to sing.

LION: Yeah, it's sad—believe me, missy

When you're born to be a sissy

Without the firm and verve

But I could show my prowess

And be a lion, not a mouse

If I only had the nerve

I'm afraid there's no denying

I'm just a dandy lion

A fate I don't deserve

I'd be brave as a blizzard

SCARECROW: I'd be clever as a gizzard

TIN MAN: I'd be gentle as a lizard

SABRINA: If the Wizard is a wizard who will serve

SCARECROW: Then I'm sure to get a brain

TIN MAN: A heart

SABRINA: My home

LION: The nerve

Sabrina put her violin in its case, and Scarecrow carried it as the quartet skipped down the Blue Brick Road and sang their travel song.

We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz

We hear that he is a whiz of a whiz if ever a whiz there was

If ever oh ever a whiz there was,

The Wizard of Oz is one because, because, because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things he does

We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz

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