Chapter 2: Feeding and Bathtime

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Snape sneered as he filled a plastic bowl with soft porridge and a side of crackers. He grabbed a bottle of milk, placing all of the food in front of Potter.

"Eat up Potter, you'd better not waste any or you will feel my wrath." Snape challenged, glaring at the toddler.

Harry looked at the food in front of him in confusion. He wasn't used to food. He only got dry bread and water.

Snape looked at the boy, arms crossed, waiting for him to eat. "Well?" He said impatiently, giving Harry a look.

Harry grabbed his spoon and started banging it on the tray of his high chair, giggling and shrieking.

Snape sighed exasperatedly. "You foolish brat, you need to are missing crucial nutrients that are needed for your development."

He picked up the spoon and scooped some of the food. "Open up." He demanded coldly. Harry hummed.

He opened his mouth and a spoonful was stuffed in. Harry's face formed into a smile as he tasted the delicious food. He'd never had anything this good before!

"Mmm!" He squealed. "Mo!" He babbled, pointing at the spoon. Snape grabbed a little more and fed the boy.

Snape then picked up an animal cracker. He handed one of the crackers to Harry who ate it immediately, giggling.

This continued for a while until the crackers were gone. However, as Snape turned to grab some napkins, he was met by a satisfied squeal.

Harry had dumped the rest of the porridge right on his head, spilling it all over and coating his entire body in a mushy mess.

Snape's eyes darkened. "You ungrateful brat, look at what you've done!" He shouted in anger.

Harry immediately began to whimper in fear. He didn't mean to make the man angry! The man was scary when he was angry!

Snape sighed exasperatedly as he reached over to Harry to grab him. Harry immediately began to wail, thinking he was in trouble.

"Stop that racket! You need a bath, you are filthy! If you hadn't spilled your dinner all over you, you wouldn't need a bath!"

Harry's cries got louder at the word 'bath' because baths were scary! His aunt and uncle used to punish him with baths!

As Snape carried a squirming Harry into the bathroom. He filled the tub with a little bit of warm water. As he lowered Harry into the water, Harry began to scream and sob, his shrieks splitting Snape's ears.

Snape was quickly losing his patience. Why was the boy being do difficult? It was just a bath...what was scary about that?

Finally, he lifted the boy and put him on the sink so he could look him in the eyes. Harry was still screeching.

"What is the matter with you?!" He snapped. "You need to get clean now, stop that screeching at once!"

Harr sniffled. "Baf scawy!" He wailed. Snape sighed. "What is so scary about a bath?" He tried to reason with the boy.

"Baf hwrt." Harry said simply. Snape was beyond confused. "What are you talking about? A bath is perfectly safe!" His patience was faltering.

"Haw." Harry whimpered. "Owwie." Snape suddenly remembered that Madam Pomphrey had said Harry had been burned.

"Did your relatives hurt you with the bath? Was it really hot?" Snape asked, dreading the answer. Harry nodded tearfully.

Snake sighed. "Well, I promise I won't hurt you...baths are nothing to be scared of." He muttered.

He picked up Harry. "Put your finger in the water." Snape commanded. Harry still looked uncertain. He dipped his finger in the water.

He smiled and giggled. The water was perfect! "Ooo!" He cooed, splashing a hand in the water, amazed when it went up in the air.

Snape grabbed the tot and placed him in the bath, grabbing some soap. Harry immediately began splashing in the water, having a fun time.

"Potter, hold still!" Snape commanded to the playful baby. "How an I supposed to clean you if you keep moving?" The baby squealed.

Little Harry splashed in the water, squealing happily. He never knew baths were this fun when they didn't hurt! He decided he liked baths!

Snape struggled to keep the wiggly baby in one place, he kept splashing and playing in the water. Snape was growing impatient.

"Potter! Stop that this instant! You are in here to get clean, not to play!" He shouted, hoping to make the baby cooperate.

Harry then made a big splash in the water, getting the potions master soaked from head to toe. Harry immediately froze, realizing what he had done and started whimpering.

Snape seethed as he grabbed a towel to dry himself off. Harry was really starting to try his patience, and he'd only had him for a few hours!

"Do that again and you will feel my wrath, stop messing around and let me wash your hair." He said in a cold voice.

Harry remained silent, as he no longer felt like playing now that the man was mad at him. He allowed Snape to wash his hair.

Snape was rather satisfied that the baby was finally listening to him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. All be needed to do was be firm.

He finished cleaning Harry and dried him off in a green towel, making his unruly hair stick out even more than it already was.

Snape decided to just let his hair remain as it was since it was nearly Potter's bed time and his hair would get messed up anyways.

He dressed the sullen child in a red pajama onsie that Dumbledore had given him. Snape sneered, as he knew he needed to go to the store.

Harry needed clothes other things. In the meantime, he placed Harry in an old cradle Dumbledore had brought and gave him the blanket he'd been found in.

Harry whimpered loudly. He thought the man was still mad at him. Why had he been so bad? Snape looked down at him in annoyance.

"What is the matter with you?" He asked crossly, not understanding why the boy was pouting like a brat.

"Oo el at me." Harry whimpered in baby talk, tears gathering in his green eyes. Snape sighed and picked him up.

"Are you still upset about that? I hardly yelled Potter, I was just trying to get you to were trying my patience."

Harry whined, tears dripping down his cheeks. Snape realized the boy had aquirued a trait from Lily, besides her green eyes...

Her sensitivity. Lily had always been sensitive as a child, and even as an adult. She tended to cry at the smallest things.

"Alright, I am you feel better now?" He said gruffly. He couldn't believe he was apologising to a baby over something so small

Harry seemed to accept the apology and smiled. "K." He babbled. Snape placed him in the crib and covered him with the tattered old blanket.

"Go to sleep now, I will see you in the morning." He said. He then left the room to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

Little Harry lay in his bed, trying to fall asleep. The bed was comfy and warm. Harry hadn't experienced this in a long time.

He closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him. Meanwhile, Snape was mopping up the spilled porridge.

"Potter is going to be the death of me."

A/N: Hey readers! Hope you're enjoying it so far! But raising a baby has ups and downs...what will little Harry do next? Find out soon!

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Thx Enjoy😘😍


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