Wan' Stay Wif Nae!

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"Good news Severus, we have found someone suitable to care for Harry, you don't have to care for him anymore!"

Snape nearly fell over at the news. He only had Potter for a day...they've found someone already?

"Y-You what?" He stammered, still trying to get a hold grip on the wiggling tot in his arms.

Minerva grinned. "We've found a very nice witch to look after him...she knows if his past, so he will be in good hands."

Snape was speechless. He didn't know what to feel. "I uh that's....great." He finally said, after a moment of silence.

His emotions were mixed. Sure, he was happy to finally have some peace and quiet....but something wasn't sitting right with him.

Dumbledore reached out to take Harry from Severus's arms. "Come along Harry, it is time to go to your new home!"

Little Harry's head snapped up. New home? But...wasn't this his home? He looked up at Nae who looked back at him, sadly.

Suddenly, little Harry understood. He was going away! Nae was getting rid of him! But...wasn't he a good boy?

The baby wiggled away from the grown wizard and clung tighter to Snape. He started to squeal and cry.

"Nooo!" He yelled. "Wan' Nae....no wan weave Nae!" He wailed. Snape looked at him in complete shock.

"Potter...please stop that vile screeching, you are going to be just fine...you need someone who can actually care for you."

Snape had made up his mind. Harry would much rather be better off with someone who was nicer and more patient...someone less...harsh.

Little Harry's green eyes filled with even more tears as he practically dug his tiny nails into Snape's arms.

"No!" He wailed once more. "Wan' oo, no wan' weave!" Harry sobbed. Minerva decided to try her her luck.

"Come now, Harry...you're new mommy and daddy are waiting for you...we must take you to them now."

Little Harry heard the word 'daddy' and immediately grinned. "Daddy profff Nae!" He said happily.

Minerva did a double take. "Oh uh..." She did not say anything more. Severus looked at the boy with scorn.

"Potter, I've told you already...you must go to someone else...and I am not your father...you deserve better than me."

Harry sobbed harder. "Noooo!" He began throwing a full blown tantrum. He kicked his little legs and screamed.

Normally, little Harry would do no such thing in fear of getting beaten...but he didn't want to leave! He wanted to stay with Nae!

If Snape could dissappear right at that moment, he probably would. He was beyond embarrassed....but also touched, in some way.

He hadn't expected the brat to become so close to him in just one day...and Snape didn't expect himself to be the same way.

"Potter, stop this tantrum right now!" He hissed in the boy's ear. "You are causing an unnecessary commotion!"

Dumbledore looked at the pair with uncertainty. "Severus...I don't think Harry wants to leave."

Severus shot the man a look. No dip, Sherlock! He thought to himself as he struggled to hold the tantruming tot.

"Please excuse me a moment...I want to go calm him down." He said instead, quickly moving to the bedroom.

The moment the door closed, Snape took a deep breath. "What was that?!" He shouted. "You...you caused an unnecessary upset for no reason!"

Little Harry only cried. He was upset. Why was the man giving him away? He must have been a very bad boy.

Maybe...if he apologized, the man would not give him away. Harry stopped his tantrum and looked up at the man with sad eyes.

"Hawwy sowwy, Nae." He whimpered, tears leaking from his eyes. "Pwease no sen' Hawwy way'!"

As Snape listened to that sad little voice, regret filled him. What was be doing, giving away Lily's child to some complete strangers?

Taking a deep breath, he held Harry in his arms. "Calm down...I am not sending you away, Harry."

He spoke in a softer tone, "I...I cannot just give you up... because well, I seem to have become...to like you."

Harry looked up at Snape. "Hawwy stay wif Nae?" He asked with uncertainty. "Nae wuf Hawwy?"

Wordlessly, Snape picked up the boy and hugged him. "Yes Harry....Yes." He carried the boy back to the living room.

Dumbledore and Minerva were waiting with Harry's bag and toys. "All ready to go?" He asked cheerfully.

"We know we put this on you kind of...sudden, Severus." He added. "You are  probably relieved that you won't be his permeant guardian."

Snape huffed. "On the contrary, Albus...Harry his staying with me...I want to be his permanent guardian."

Minerva's eyes widened. "Are you sure, Severus?" She asked. "You said it yourself...you wanted him gone as soon as possible."

"Yes, well...I've changed my mind...it's obvious that Po- I mean, Harry...is quite attached to me, as I am of him."

Dumbledore looked at Snape, a twinkle in his eyes. "I knew it." He said, before bursting into laughter.

Snape was utterly confused. "W-Why are you laughing?" He demanded, feeling a wave of confusion rush over him."

Dumbledore sat down as did Minerva. "There really isn't another family waiting for Harry, this was a test."

Snape nearly exploded. "Are you serious?!" He yelled. "This all was some sort of...trick?!"

"Now, Now Severus, calm down." Dumbledore said, lifting his hands in defense. "Allow me to explain."

Reluctantly, Snape sat on the couch, bouncing a still-sniffling Harry on his lap. "Well then, explain!" He shot.

"Minerva and I mearly wanted to see if, given the chance, you would give up Harry...we did not expect the two of you to become so...close."

Snape took a deep breath, running the bridge of his nose. "You caused us all this unnecessary drama!"

"Yes...I wasn't expecting Harry...or you to react the way you did, and I apologise for upsetting the both of you so much, that was not my intention."

Snape sighed. "I suppose to had a good intention...And you are right...I could not give him away, not now!"

Minerva almost smiled. Snape continued, stroking the boy's hair gently. "He needs me...and quite frankly, I need him."

Dumbledore looked pleased. "I can see that the both of you are rather content...you are keeping him then?"

Snape looked up. "Yes, yes I am...I want him to stay with me." He said, gently balancing Harry on his lap.

The headmaster smiled. "Well then, we will be going now...Harry is yours...I will bring the adoption papers by tommorow morning."

Snape nodded, feeling relieved. "Yes, well...I will see you tomorrow, then." He said softly, standing to let them out.

"See you tomorrow!" Dumbledore called back. He and Minerva walked out the door, leaving the pair alone.


A/N: Hey readers! I have been writing this chapter for the past few months, and I'm sorry it took so long to get put up, but I wanted to this chapter to be perfect!

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Thx Enjoy😘😍


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