The Silent Treatment

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Harry sniffled to himself as he played silently with the blocks. He was all alone. The man had left him. Why? He was just having fun!

Whimpering, little sad Harry snuggled against a stuffed toy and silently cried. He was unloved.

Meanwhile, Snape sat in his lab trying to blow off some frustration by brewing. The brat was so infuriating!

"Horrid boy, always causing trouble!" He muttered. He was growing tired with the boy already and it had only been a day!

He hoped Dumbledore had found someone to care for the brat. After all, he promise it was only temporary.

After a while, he decided to check on Harry. Hopefully he'd be behaving himself now and not being a brat.

When he walked into the den, he found little Harry silently crying into his stuffed toy, looking miserable.

For some odd reason, Snape's heart clenched. What was wrong with the boy? Was he hurt? Was he ill?

He knelt down to Harry's level. "Potter, what is the matter with you? Why are you crying?" He asked.

Harry, decided that he was upset at the man, ignored him and sniffled. Snape raised an eyebrow. Was the brat ignoring him?

"Potter, I am taking to you!" He said sternly. "Answer me, why are you crying?" He demanded.

Harry, frightened by the loud voice, sobbed harder but still so silently that his face turned red. Snape groaned.

He picked up the baby and rocked him a little. "Calm down, I merely want to know why you are upset."

Harry sniffed, calming down. Was the man going to be nice now? He yelled at him though...he was being mean!

Snape sighed, seeing that the boy wasn't going to answer. "Fine, be that way." He hissed, putting Harry down.

He placed him in the crib and scowled. "If you are going to be a brat and sulk, you can stay in here."

Harry whimperd sadly. The man wasn't being fair! He only wanted someone to play with him! He snuggled into his pillow and went to sleep crying.

A long while later, Snape got Harry for dinner. He fixed some cooked veggies for him to eat, as the baby needed more vitamins.

Little Harry was sitting in his crib, tear tracks on his little face. He sniffed, wanting some attention.

"Are you finished acting like a brat, Potter?" He glowered at the little one. Harry looked away. He didn't want to talk to the man anymore.

Snape sighed, deciding to just bring him down to the kitchen to eat. As much as he hated the boy, he couldn't let him starve like his negligent relatives had.

He sat Harry in his high chair and gave him the plate full of soft carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes along with a sippy cup of milk.

Snape fixed himself roast beef and mashed potatoes with pumpkin juicy, as it was a favorite of his.

Harry just sat in his chair. He didn't even try to eat anything. He just started at the full plate looking sad.

Snape raised an eyebrow at him. "Eat your food, Potter...of if gets cold I am not going to heat it up again for you."

Harry didn't respond, he just sat. Finally, Snape had enough. He grabbed the spoon and scooped some of the food.

"Open up." He commanded, bringing the spoonful to Harry's mouth. The baby sighed and turned his head away.

Snape tried to be patient. He aimed the food at the boy but Harry only ignored him. Snape turned red with frustration.

"Potter, you will eat or so help can go to bed without dinner for all I care!"

Little Harry flinched at the shouting. He looked at the man and let the tears fall from his eyes once again.

"No wuf Hawwy." He whimperd. He buried his little face in his hands and softly cried, feeling unloved.

Suddenly, something in Snape's heart clenched. He was slightly relieved that the brat was taking to him again...

But seeing those tears fill those green eyes....Lily's made him feel strange. He suddenly found himself picking up the baby.

"Shh, calm down now...what is the matter with you today? You were being very brattish and it was annoying me."

He sat Harry in his lap, trying to get the boy to look at him, at least. "Harry...please talk to me, tell me why you are so upset now."

At the soft voice, Harry looked at the man. "Oo mean, 'ell at Hawwy!" He hated yelling, it scared him.

"I was mean because I yelled at you? But I only yelled because you were throwing blocks in the air and acting brattish!"

Harry sniffed. "Wan' pway wif oo!" He said softly, tears brimming. Snape sighed. Perhaps the boy was just playing earlier...

"I am sorry, but you must not throw the blocks, that is could have hurt me or yourself."

At that, little Harry immediately hugged the man. "I sowwy!" He wailed, kissing the man's head where the block hit him earlier.

Snape froze, not expecting that. "Yes well...I forgive you, I am sorry for being harsh...can you forgive me?

Hearing the words that just came out of his mouth, Snape cringed. Had he really just begged forgiveness from a baby? What was going on with him?!

But little Harry simply smiled and hugged the man as best he could with his tiny arms. "Wuf Nae, wuf oo!"

Snape didn't respond but hugged the baby back, trying not to act too friendly. He only did this so the brat would stop moping!

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Snape answered it and saw it was Minerva and Dumbledore.

"Albus, Minerva...what are you doing back here so soon?" Snape asked as he held a wiggling Potter in his arms.

Albus smiled. "Good news Severus, we have found someone suitable to care for Harry, you don't have to care for him anymore!"

A/N: Hey readers...Dumbledore found a home for Harry...but will Snape give him up? Will Harry put up a fight? Find out soon!

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