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Harry let out a delighted squeal as he hugged the man's leg and looked up at him with bright green eyes.

Snape completely froze. Daddy? He was not going to be Potter's father!
That was outrageous! No way...

He shoved Harry away from him with his foot, causing the little one to fall on his bottom. Harry's eyes immediately welled with tears.

"Do not call me that....that horrid word, Potter! I am not your father! I will never be your father!"

Snape seethed with such rage and spoke so terribly that Harry immediately began to cry and hide his little face in his hands.

That big fat man....Vermin? Always yelled at him like that right before he hurt him. Was this man going to hit him?!

Snape took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes to calm himself down before he did something he'd regret.

When he opened them, he saw the baby on the floor hiding his face in his little hands and silently crying.

Snape suddenly felt guilty. Did he hurt Potter when he shoved him? He didn't do it that hard! But...Potter was only an infant...

With a sigh, Snape picked up the baby who instantly flinched at his touch and whimperd. "I am sorry for that, did I hurt you?"

"Mm, sowwy." He whimperd, trying to make up for being such a bad boy. He knew he made the man angry by calling him that word.

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Sorry?" He repeated slowly. "Well, I guess it is  alright....just do not do that again!"

Harry dries his eyes and nodded. The man didn't seem so angry anymore.  He smiled a little and babbled.

Snape nodded, place Harry in his chair so he could talk to him. There was no way he was letting the brat call him...daddy!

"Now Potter, you are to call me Professor Snape, nothing else!" He said sternly. He wasn't even thinking about Harry pronouncing it.

"P-P-Proffff!" Harry tried, struggling over the long word. "Proffff Nae!" He finally said, happy with himself.

Snape rubbed his face in aggravation. Well, that was better than being called daddy, he decided.

"Yes, well...we will work on pronouncing it correctly later, now....what is your name?"

Harry thought a moment. What was his name? Was it Brat? Or Potter? Or some other words his relatives called him?

"Bwat?" Harry guessed. That was what the man called him, right? So that must be his name!

Snape shook his head. Great, now he got the boy thinking his name was brat! Minerva would love that....

"No Potter, that isn't your name!" He said. "Your real name is Harry...Harry Potter." He winced at the last name.

He knew he had to teach Harry his real name either way, otherwise he'd be introducing himself as Brat the entire time!

Harry smiled. He remembered someone calling him that a long time ago! "Hawwy Pot!" He babbled.

Snape shrugged, deciding it was close enough. He could make Harry pronounce it better later.

"Good, now let's get one thing clear...I am not your parent, I am your guardian, understand?"

Harry looked up at him in confusion before babbling nonsense. "Mnuhmn." Snape ignored that and moved on to another topic.

"Now that that's settled, what do you want to do now?" He asked. Wait. Why was he asking a baby's opinion?

"Pway!" Harry immediately babbled, his eyes shining with happiness. "Pway wif me, Nae!" He demanded.

Snake begrudgingly pulled out some of the toys he'd bought. He grabbed blocks and stuffed animals. "Alright, here's your toys."

He then got up, intending to get some potions work done. Would he even have time now that he had a baby?

Harry whined a little. He didn't want to play alone! "Mm, pway wif me, pway wif me!" He begged.

Snape raised an eyebrow at him. Did he really have to? Surely the boy would be fine playing on his own.

"Pwease?" Harry pleaded, giving the man his best puppy dog eyes. "Pwease pway wif me, Nae!"

With a sigh, Snape decided Harry wasn't going to quit whining till he played with him so he might as well get it over with.

"Fine, I'll play but just for a few minutes...I have work to do, Potter." He grabbed the blocks and started building.

Harry, happy that he had a playmate, began to stack the blocks just as the man was doing. This was fun!

When Snape finished building a tall tower, Harry immediately knocked it down, giggling like mad.

"Potter, why did you do that?" Snape demanded. Harry simply laughed and threw one of the blocks in the air.

It landed on Snape's head. "Potter!" He shouted in frustration. "That is enough! If you are going to do that than you can play by yourself!"

He stormed away, leaving Harry alone and dejected. He whimperd a little and tears pooled in his eyes.

The man didn't love him, he decided.

A/N: Hey readers! Uh oh! Little Harry made Snape mad! Will be forgive Harry or not? Find out in the next chapter!

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Thx Enjoy😘😍


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