Fears and Shopping

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"Wahhhhh!" Snape was awakened in the dead of night by the crying baby and immediately ran to the tot's room.

He ran in, wand outstretched and ready to attack a potential threat. What if the brat was in trouble?!

Instead of an intruder, Snaps found little Harry sobbing in his crib, fear present in his bright green eyes.

Heaving a sigh, he picked up the wailing baby. He felt slightly exasperated. He had rushed in here thinking the brat was in danger and nothing was wrong!

"What is the matter with you? Do all babies do this?" He said tiredly. He rocked the boy but the cries didn't cease.

"Wahhhhh!" Harry wailed louder. "Mama!" He sobbed. Harry had that horrible nightmare he had every night, a bright green light...

Then, his mother's lifeless body lying on the ground. She had tried to protect him. She was gone just like his daddy, who had also dissapeared.

Snape sighed as he rocked the boy more. "Did you have a bad dream, Potter?" He realized, with a frown.

Harry nodded timidly and whimpered. "Scawy." Snape nodded. "Well, it was just a dream, go back to sleep now." He said a bit sternly.

He had no idea how to console the brat, having no experience in childcare what so ever, in all his life!

He hoped this wouldn't be a nightly occurrence.

Harry started sobbing again the moment Snape placed him in the crib. He only wanted a hug! Why was the man rejecting him?

Snape wiped his face tiredly and accioed a bottle of warm milk. He added a bit of sleeping drought in it, hoping the boy would fall asleep.

That was safe....right?

He fed Harry the bottle and was pleased when the baby's eyes drooped. He immediately fell asleep. Snape gently placed him in the crib.

The potion, dreamless sleep, would make sure the baby had no more nightmares, at least for the night.

Covering the boy with a blanket, Snape was satisfied so he headed back to sleep. It was midnight, after all.


In the morning, Snape walked into Harry's room to see the boy wide awake and wanting to be picked up.

Snape begrudgingly grabbed Harry out of the crib and carried him into the kitchen. He gave Harry Cheerios.

"Please do not make a mess this time, Potter." Snape warned, making sure he had everything he needed this time as not to have a repeat of last night.

Harry ate his food and smiled. Food just kept getting better and better! He never ate like this after his mommy and daddy dissapeared!

At that sudden thought, Harry whimpered. He missed his mommy and daddy. They were so nice and cared for him so much and.

Snape raised an eyebrow at the whimper. What was wrong now? Had he displeased the golden boy?

"Well, finish your food...we need to go to the store and....as much as I'm going to hate it....buy you things."

Harry winced at the man's grimace and continued eating his cereal. Snape nodded approvingly. In a few minutes, Harry was finished.

Snape sighed and apparated them to a small store that had food, clothing and other things for brats like Potter.

He grabbed a shopping cart, placing Harry in the kid's seat. "I suppose we will get you a suitable crib first."

The one Dumbledore had brought was only temporary, as it was old and dirty. Harry needed a clean place to sleep.

They walked over to the crib section and picked out a blue grin, which he figured was good enough for Potter.

He also grabbed a few clean blankets, blue and green, along with a pillow...Harry needed a pillow.

Once bedding was taken care of, Snape wheeled them to the clothing section. He frowned. There were numerous kinds of baby clothes.

He simply grabbed a few that looked good and placed them in the cart. Harry couldn't wear rags forever, it would only embarrass the man even more than he already was.

They then came across toys. Snape sneered at the shelves in disgust. Harry had a few small things already....did the brat need more?

He was about to walk away when Harry made a little noise. He had noticed the toys...but he knew brats didn't get nice toys.

Snape looked at the baby and couldn't help but notice the longing in his eyes. He sighed, remembering Dumbledore's annoying words.

With a begrudging smile, he pushed the cart closer to the toys. Harry only looked at them sadly. He hated being teased...he knew he wasn't going to get anything.

"Well, are you going to pick something out or not, Potter? I don't have all day." Snape muttered impatiently.

Harry smiled, squealing a little. He snatched a few stuffed animals, a rattle, and a gray squishy elephant.

Snape took the items and put them in a cart. He knew his wallet was probably going to be empty by the end of this....Potter better be grateful!

They moved on to food. Snape grabbed a few baby snacks and a few teething rings that were nearby. Potter had better not be picky.

Once they had everything they needed for the moment, Snape moved to the checkout to pay for everything.

The woman who checked them out couldn't stop gushing at Harry. "Oh, what an adorable little boy! You sure are a lucky father to have such a wonderful time little one!"

Snape froze. Father?! He was not going to be that brat's father! That was absurd... but he didn't dare tell her that.

"Thank you." He responded simply. "That'll be $100 sir." She said kindly. Snape reluctantly handed her the money. Way too much!

Once that was taken care of, Snape grabbed the bags and apparated them home. Harry whined, as he still hated it! It made his tummy hurt!

"We are home...I hope you are grateful for all that money I spent on you, Potter." Snape seethed.

Harry whimpered at the tone. He hated when the man sneered at him like that. He didn't mean to be a bad boy! But the man seemed to not like him.

He suddenly remembered what the lady in the store had said. Father. What did that mean? His mommy called his daddy that once...

Was this man his new daddy?

A bright smile overtook Harry. He hugged Snape's leg and giggled.


A/N: Hey readers! Hope you enjoy baby Harry! More cuteness on the way....how will Snape react to Harry calling him daddy? Will Harry continue to call him that?

Plz Comment and Vote!
Thx Enjoy😘😍


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