Chapter 1

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Welcome dear readers to... This. Characters will most likely be a bit different than normal but I did my best to put their personality in. Anyways, without further unnecessary reading. Enjoy!

Walking out of The Big Doughnut I took a deep breath of fresh salty air as I begin to munch on my snack. Yes, I know doughnuts weren't the best choice for lunch but lately but I didn't feel like being in an empty house. I just felt lonely so I sorta took it as an excuse to get out for a bit and see some friendly faces and check in how everyone was doing. It was a nice day out anyway, only maybe a couple of fluffy clouds that floated in the bright blue sky. One was heart-shaped, it made me feel lighter inside as I kept looking at it. From what I remember a while ago, my mother would tell me how clouds were a way for messages above to be sent down. I don't know what to think of it but it's nice either way.

Ever since I moved out here on my own, I couldn't help but realize how isolated everything felt before. Don't get me wrong, I have great parents who supported me throughout my life, especially with this move. Though they were a bit distant and, maybe I was as well. There's nothing I regret from the choice I made to come here in Beach City. I would have come here way sooner but something bad happened with poison being everywhere and destroying the place by a gem of some sort? I don't know the full detail and that's exactly why I knew I had to move here. A new race of species intertwining with our kind on our planet, how couldn't that bring any sort of curiosity to somebody.

Continuing down, I decided to drop by Steven's place first to see if anyone is willing to chat, hang around for a bit, or maybe just watch some TV with Amethyst if she isn't too busy scoffing down on food. I heard a lot about Steven and the Crystal Gems before actually coming here, it was all over the news one day and ever since he saves the planet a few times, who doesn't know him? He was a nice kid, though. I can't help but feel bad about how much responsibility he has for only being 16. Steven was one of the first people to welcome me in and give me a tour around Beach City which I knew he didn't have to do but it made me thankful for it.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

Breaking out of my inner thoughts, I look up and saw exactly who I came here to see. He must have been just standing on the porch because of how quick he noticed me coming up.

"Hiya Steven" I called back at him, making my way up the stairs "Hope I'm not in any danger being here. No new space alien coming to invade earth, right?"

"Nope. Wait! Actually..." Quickly, he turns around and faces the door "Garnet! (Y/N)'s not in any trouble, right?!"

In a few beats of silence, and us staring at a blank door, a monotone "No" from most presumably Garnet herself sends the both of us in a small fit of laughter. Moments like these always seem to brighten my day, no matter how little they seem.

Now starting to relax, Steven opens the door wide and allows me in. "I was just about to head to Homeworld to check up on a friend, want to come along? Shouldn't take a while."

After hearing what Steven just told me, I was flabbergasted. He asked me if I wanted to go to outer space where the gem came from?! "Yes! Of course! How could I not say no, this is a once in a lifetime chance!"

"Whew, I'm glad. The diamonds are a bit... much. So if I bring you I can have an excuse to leave"

"Sounds like me when I use to bring my friends to the family events"

Following the curly hair boy up some stairs, we walk into a portal hut of some sort. I knew what a warp pad was since there's one in Little Homeworld, but I never actually experienced travelling through one before.

"Alright let's warp out"

"Oh, the others aren't coming along?" I questioned "Normally I never see you without at least one of them"

"Well... Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl aren't really on the best conditions with the Diamonds, so I normally do this by myself"

Nodding slightly, I hesitate no more and walk onto the warp pad next to Steven. Out of nowhere, light shines all around me as I feel myself being shot forward, almost as if I'm flying. And as soon as it felt like it started, I feel my feet touch the ground, losing balance and trip backwards, landing on my behind. Taking a big glace around the giant room I was in awe, shortly noticing that three humongous women were sitting on their equally large thrones. One being Blue with a weird sort of connected hair in the front, Yellow who I couldn't tell if she was wearing a helmet or not and White who looked like was made of pure light as taking a deep look at her only hurt my eyes. They were all three sitting and watching us, definitely giving me a questioning look.

"Oh, Steven! We missed you so much!"

"On boy..." Was all I heard muttered out of the hybrid as the ground starts to shake violently from the three diamonds rushing forward, towering the two of us. My face must have been petrified as Steven gave me an awkward smile, aiding me back to my feet.

"Hey Yellow, Blue and White Diamond... ugh, where exactly is Spinel? I thought she would be here waiting with you for me to arrive?"

Oh, so Spinel is her name? That's good to know before I embarrass myself even more with higher-ups who are now seeming to ignore my tiny presence and turn all their attention to Steven.

"mm... Spinel... She's been in Pi- Her room a lot lately now..." The blue one talks with a soft soothing voice, looking down to the side. "We tried to talk to her but she refuses to open the door..."

Tuning out a bit I turn my gaze to Steven with a sadden look "Do you think she's alright? What should we do?"

With a deep sigh, he looks at me at the corner of his eyes "Well... Maybe if we can see how to work this out if I can get more details from the Diamonds... while you... can... try and talk with her? Spinel has been through a very difficult time."

"Oh... That sucks to hear. Yeah, I can do that. Just got to find the room first"

"Steven what a wonderful idea!" A loud voice ranges out, startling me. Guess it was White Diamond who said that since everyone else turned to her. "You can stay here with us as the human can sort out Spinel"

"Umm I don't think-"

"I'll be fine, besides they seem like they miss you. Maybe all Spinel needs is a new pair of ears to listen to her" I step in, cutting Steven off

"If you say so (Y/N)... But I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into, she can lash out very easily. N-not that I think she will try to hurt you. I'm just saying for just in case"

"Well thank you, I'll just make sure not to push too much. But try to make sure to get the Diamond's side of the story"

Yellow diamond stands up and looks towards two other gems talking with each other on the side. One was blue with bangs that covered her eyes while the other was Yellow who seemed more confident. "Pearl, please assist in bringing the human to Spinel's room"

"Oh, yes! Right away my diamond"

As soon as she heard the orders, she came straight towards me to make sure I follow along. I shoot Steven one final smile before heading off with the yellow Pearl. And just like that, I now feel alone again. Now within a giant palace of some sort, following a gem with no sense of my surroundings, doing my best to keep up with her long strides to not get lost.

Taking a sharp inhale, I feel the silence creeping on me. Okay (Y/N) just strike up a nice conversation. There's nothing to worried about, maybe they're awkward about this silence too and talking will awaken a new friendship between the both of you. Yeah! That's it. Just something fun and witty.

"S-so... Come here often?"

The yellow Pearl slowly turns her head and looks at me weirdly. I wish I could disappear right now...

"Is that a 'joke' you humans enjoy using?"




I guess she went to make sense of what I just said as she looks ahead, rubbing her hand over her mouth. Way to embarrass the human race as well.

This is going to be a long walk.

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