Chapter 2: Cry

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March 2nd, 2032
Saturday, 1:46pm - Pinecrest, Miami, Florida

Dinah met her husband Reece one night after work at the office; Lauren invited her to join her and her colleagues for drinks at an exclusive lounge in Aventura. What she didn't tell Dinah was that a few players from the Saints were going to be there and that her favourite player Reece Wayne, who played as one of the linebackers, would be joining them as well. Lauren only knew Reece because the project manager went to high school with him—she never bothered because she hated American football, which Dinah took offense to because that was her number one favourite sport. The two ended up isolating themselves from everybody else so they could share a few drinks and mingle. Dinah played it cool pretty much the whole night until he asked her out on a date. She wanted to make sure he knew who he was about to be dealing with, so she unleashed a lot onto him all at once to test if he'd run or not. A pretty poor tactic to use when trying to get someone to stick around but it worked. She and Reece went out on a few dates before making it official.

Two years of a long distance relationship, quitting her job and following him around, bragging that she nailed herself an athlete, Dinah got pregnant one drunken night after his team won a game and...there was pretty much no backing out from there. The relationship was serious, she had already moved in, and neither of them believed in getting an abortion. Reece's mom certainly didn't believe in raising a baby before marriage—she was old fashioned and religious—so in order for it to run smoothly and for Dinah to be supported, they had to tie the knot. Reece wasn't planning on letting Dinah go and vice versa; it maybe wasn't an ideal way to get married but Reece was a mama's boy and didn't want to go against her morals. Dinah was fine with that. They loved each other and believed they could do it.

Funny enough, it was around the same time Lauren got pregnant with Blaire. Lauren was in the process of moving her family into a bigger house and leaving the previous one to Cruz so she wouldn't lose the property. Her and Camila needed the bigger space and wanted a fresh start with their new kids; they couldn't stay in a house carrying foul memories. Therefore, they moved to Pinecrest and Dinah followed behind a few months later with Reece. She was currently a stay-at-home mom until she'd decide exactly what she wanted to do for a living that wasn't her previous job. Often times, Dinah and Camila would spend weekdays and weekends together with Valerie and Simon after Lauren started disappearing. Camila needed the support and they all needed a group of friends they could relate to, and have their kids play with each other/grow up together. The only people who weren't used to the company and having so much screaming children and adults around this often were Lauren and Blaire.

While the guests and Camila and Catalina were downstairs, Lauren was upstairs in Blaire's room, conversing with her daughter and catching up on everything she's missed so far. Lauren had two meetings since 6:00am but she ended up rescheduling the rest so she could be with her family more like Dr. Henson suggested. This was her and Blaire's time. Lauren lied down with the lower half of her body on the wooden floor and her upper body leaning on Blaire's mattress. Blaire sat cross legged on her bed and went on and on and on talking about her latest obsession: Dragons. Blaire had her miniature Dragon toys lined up in the EXACT order she always did and kept repeating herself twice each time she explained who they were, including fun facts about them.

"And this," she pointed to a dark purple Dragon with a curved tail and a long squiggly neck, "I named him Ancano because he is purple and the other dragons don't like him. He's trouble and Arngeir says to not trust him because he's loyal to a different group of Dragons I don't have. Ancano is not a good friend and he will betray you. Ancano likes to kill other the Dragons, but so far they're safe."

"Ohh, okay. I see," Lauren inspected the mean looking purple Dragon but didn't try to reach out and touch it; Blaire was adamant on not letting anyone touch them. She was "their leader" and they would no longer obey her rules if someone else got a hold of them. "So you named your Dragons after Skyrim characters? Have you been watching your big brother play his games?"

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