Chapter 19: I'd Do It All Again

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A/N: You guys voted mostly for Sabrina and Sonría storylines. So aside from Camren, I'll write theirs and put aside the others as minors - so you won't see a lot of characters in every chapter or get a full storyline. Moving on.


April 13th, 2032
Sunday, 11:57am - Miami, Florida

"Are you suuure mamá isn't going to get mad at us?"

"I'm sure."

"Are you reaaally sure?"

"Well...almost sure."

"Are you—"

"Catalina Belle Cabello Jauregui, do you want the motorcycle or not?" Lauren halted in the middle of an aisle in a big toy store, placing firm hands on her hips as she looked down at her daughter hauling a battery operated motorcycle with an inquisitive stare.

"Hmmm..." Catalina gave it some thought then shook her head. "No. I change my mind, I want a Jeep. Get me a Jeep."

"But the motorcycle is cooler," Blaire argued, coming back with a toy to dump into the red shopping basket sitting on the floor.

"I don't care. I'm the birthday girl and I want a Jeep."

"You don't want both?" Lauren huffed, frustrated with her daughter's indecisiveness.

"Will mamá get mad?"

"The worst she'll do is yell at me when she finds out I'm buying you your birthday presents in front of you instead of taking you to do your hair like I said I was gonna do. But she will not get mad that you brought home a mini Jeep."

"And a motorcycle," Catalina added.

"No. No, not the motorcycle anymore, I change my mind just like you did. Annoying, isn't it? Now let's go," Lauren ignored Catalina's gasp and the tantrum she threw, walking ahead with Blaire in the direction of the cars for kids again.

"That's no fair! I want the—"

"Cata, por favor, vamanos! Ya basta!" Lauren raised her voice, demanding her daughter to cut the spoiled attitude and follow her to get the damn toy truck. Catalina wore a sour face with crocodile tears as she stomped ahead to catch up with her mom and sister. (Please, let's go! Enough already!)

"Mommy, can I get a car, too?" asked Blaire.

"No because it's not your birthday, it's mine," Catalina quickly answered.

"But I want one, too," now it was Blaire's turn to get mad.

"Well you can't have one! It's MY birthday, I get the big presents!"

"Catalina, don't make me walk out of here with nothing, because I WILL. Quit acting like a brat and be grateful that you're lucky enough to even be getting presents for your birthday. Not a lot of kids have that luxury," Lauren reprimanded. "Now either you lose the attitude and be nice to your sister, or you don't get anything at all from me. Choose."

"But it's not her birthday, it's mine. If she gets a car, there would be no point in me getting a car. I have to be the only one and it's not fair that you don't agree with me, you're always choosing her side—"

"Ay dios mio, go get your fuc—go pick out a car and that's it. Go! I'm losing my patience," Lauren gave her a light shove toward the cars then leant over to look Blaire in the eye. "And you, don't worry. I will buy you one after her birthday. Please don't throw a tantrum, too, because I am not in the mood. Pick out something else and leave it at that. Okay?"

Blaire nodded, failing to meet Lauren's eyes. She didn't want to be yelled at and it was clear to see Lauren has been in a bad mood since she got back from New York. Blaire was very in tune with her mother's emotions. She knew Lauren was in a bad place again and felt like she also wanted nothing to do with being a mom at the moment, but she was trying to make up for it by spoiling them rotten with gifts and whatever they asked for. Gift giving was just part of Lauren's love language; it was how she showed those close to her that she still loved them whenever she couldn't show them in other ways. Unfortunately, gift giving was now seen as a bad sign rather than good and endearing.

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