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The shading of your eyes
It's not like something to describe
The depth
The dark hue it holds
Its brown, warm,cold
Its shifts like a river
But its murky and hides secrets
Why am I the only one unable to unlock them
Its not fair y'know
Shes closer to you.
I understand.
My heart is in the same place.
I'll hold those secrets.
Like it's my only chance to live
In this cruel,cruel unforgiving existence.
Blue are the color of my eyes.
Blue is the color of my emotions
Blue drowns out my pastels.
I dont understand the hues you make me feel.
Bright. Bold.
They drown out the colors we both possess.
The shades.
The sky I met you under.
Its grey.
But your a bright tint to me.
Even when you think your hue is black.
Your colors are still underneath.

The Unwanted Words (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now