The torchwood terror. chapter 4 At torchwood.

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I smile thankful for her reassuring me "I've never actually seen him. He's always busy... only once I saw him but then the silence made me forget.  I don't even know if he's alive or if I ever will see him." I lower my head. "But now I've got a chance to save him. Dad I'm coming to save you."

           Clara gives me a reasurring smile "he's alive. I promise you." The tardis shakes violently.  "Oh come on you grumpy old thing! Not now, it's important!" She yells up at it.

"Sounds like something is keeping her from moving keeping her tied down" I observe

Clara replies looking up at the console "nope, she just doesn't like me" the tardis shakes more. "Ok! I get It! You don't like me." She yells at the ceiling.

"Yeah your right but something else is doing this.." I think it over and I suddenly get a telepathic sense that the Doctor is in trouble.  "Oh no.. clara they are testing on him right now. Or doing something to hurt him."

       "Alright, time to get moving then we got to go save him."

The tardis lands I stare at it in deep thought "Somewhere out this door is my dad. I will finally get to see him. ..even save him. My dream for so long. Can I even do it?"

Clara gives me a hug. "You can. I'm here right with you" I smile inspired and determined, I open the door the first thing is see is the Doctor chained to the wall shirtless and dirty, covered with dried blood. I run over to him. "Doctor!  It's you. It's actually you." I look into his eyes with concern and love "I'm here, I'm going to get you out of here. "

     He squints at me. "Katrina..."

"katrina be careful!"  Clara yells. Six torchwood personal run out surrounding us as well as pointing guns at us. I hardly notice them my eyes fixed on the Doctor. When I see his scars tears filled my eyes. "Oh..Doctor.. what have they done to you." I stand up and give the personal a look of determination and anger saying don't mess with me as they are barking orders at me.

"do you know these girls?" The personnel demands. He pauses, Then answers plainly "No." She whips him hard.

"katrina!  Clara!" He yells.

      "No! Please stop! Dont hurt him!" I stand in the way of the whip not caring if I get hurt wanting them to stop hurting the Doctor. 

  The Doctor whispers, looking at me "katrina..." Clara pulls me towards her. The Doctor warns.  "katrina, clara don't move an inch. I don't want you to get hurt too" the personal cracks the whip down and tears fill my eyes again. Clara covers my mouth. "Listen, I know it's hard but you have to stay where you are"

"But we need to save him, it's what we came here to do" I whisper. 

  "better listen to her girl, or you will get the same as him" The personnel taunts.

The Torchwood terrorWhere stories live. Discover now