The torchwood terror chapter 20 A new beginning

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I look up at the Doctor "thanks Doctor thanks for everything. Even though we had the big mess with torchwood just being with you was my dream. And now it's a dream come true. I wouldn't of had it any other way. We did it together. When I'm with you you never have to do anything alone. Not anymore. Because you got me and you got clara. I love you dad I always will. This is a new start for me and I know it's going to be a good one." The Doctor hugs me tears in his eyes "I've always wanted to have you back. And I will never leave you alone again." tears start to form in my eyes and I hug him back tightly "thankyou thankyou so much. For so long I've missed you and now your here with me. I love you." He looks at me "I love you too katrina." He sighs "oh katrina... my beautiful daughter."

I look at him wanting to admit something "Doctor. A few times I really was doubting you I'm really sorry. I felt like you had forgotten about me. That you didn't care for me enough to be with me. And the things you said. And then all that you never said those days where I never saw you or heard from you. I know you love me. Please promise me you won't do that again." my eyes full of tears now turned to tears of sorrow and sadness "please. So many days. I thought you had just left me on earth and forgot about me." I tilt my head down not sure I'm ready to tell the rest of how I had missed him.

The Doctor looks at me sadly "I never forgot about you. Ever. Everyday I thought about you and wanted to have you back. The only reason I couldn't was I had to make sure you were safe." I look up knowing it's true but still affected by those days "dad. We are the best team you and me I know you wanted to keep me safe and I'm thankful. But I'm safer when I'm with you. Cause together we can get though anything. Don't do what you did before let me travel with you and be with you even after I leave the tardis and go home. Promise me that you will not do what you did before." eyes full of hurt and loneliness as I think about all those days "I love you dad and I died everyday you weren't there. I was afraid that you were going to get killed somehow and I would of never got to see you. All I ever wanted was to be with you."

He looks at me lovingly. "I look at you seeing what a young lady you have become and wishing I hadn't missed you growing up. I'm determined not to miss the rest I promise you I will never leave you again. I never want you to leave. You can stay with me forever. I missed so much of you growing up and I regret that every day. I swear I will always keep you with me. We can do everything together, you and me." I look at at him tears fading on my cheeks "I love you. I want to do the same. All those days I missed you you probably missed me the same. But none of that matters now cause we are together and that's all I've ever wanted, and all I need to know. Let's spend some good quality time together. Cause from this day on is a new start. Now let's go see some planets I want to see the stars." I smile

He claps his hands together "wonderful idea!" "Allons-Y!" I smile almost laugh at saying my favorite phrase. He smirks. "So any idea where to start?" "Just one or two stars and beautiful sky full of them and then I should go home. But don't think after I leave this is the end. This is only the beginning." suddenly I think about torchwood "oh what are we going to do about torchwood they have a thing to bring us back how are we going to stop them from doing that?"

He looks at me "katrina, I don't want you to worry about torchwood. I will do everything I can to protect you and clara from them. Don't let them spoil you're time with me" I reply "ok. I wont. So where are we off to then?" He runs over to the console "wherever you like!" "Somewhere beautiful. Beautiful stars. You know me I will let you guess." He smiles at me "and I know just the place! You ready?" I look at him "oh yes!"

He gives me a big smile setting the coordinates. Then as the tardis begins to take off he grabs my hand. I smile still "let's go have an adventure!" "That sounds perfect!" I move towards the door awaiting the suprise place the Doctor wants to show me. He sees me "Oh no you don't! No peaking." He smirks "Total surprise. Clara!"

Clara runs in "Yes Doctor?"

"I'm going to take Katrina to see something special, are you ok staying in here?" She nods

"Alright" I say excited.

He puts his hands over my eyes and we step out the door. "Alright you can look." He takes his hands away revealing billions of stars floating gently close to each other. "The milky way galaxy being formed.." I look up in wonder and inspiration "ohh it's beautiful. I've never seen so many beautiful stars." I hug the Doctor from the side still looking at the stars "thankyou it's so beautiful." "You're welcome. Anything for you" I look at the Doctor and then at the beautiful stars so close in front of me "so many.. so beautiful." He kisses my head "you're more beautiful." "Thankyou. I kiss him on the cheek thankyou so much this day has been so wonderful." looking into his eyes. "Im so glad. And we can have infinite more." "Yeah.." I say not wanting this moment to fade, but we walk inside after I had one more long look at the galaxy being formed, and the beautiful stars. He asks me "so what do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure. A whole galaxy out there. So much beauty.. I don't really care where as long as it's awesome and I'm with you." I smile keeping my eyes on my dad. Clara speaks up "actually Doctor could I go home?" Seeing the sad look on the Doctors face she quickly defends "not for good. Just for a bit to get some things done. Human things..." I look at her understanding "right timelord is all new to you. Might as well take some time to a just to it" She nods "pick me up in a week."

"So since you leaving I guess goodbye, no actually. See you later." I hug clara "I might be here a little longer. I want to spend some more time with my dad." glances at the Doctor and smiles. She gives me a quick hug. "See you later." Then glares at the Doctor and me "have a great time with her." He sets the coordinates for claras home. "I will. Pick you up in week." "Becareful. Now that you're a timelord you will be in about as much danger as me and the Doctor are in all the time. Keep your guard up." I warn her.  "I will. Thank you. See you guys in a week." she smiles once more and walks out the door.

The Doctor turns to me "so, want to go on an adventure?"

"Sounds good. Maybe a bit of running, I don't get to run that often but I love the running". smiles "great idea!" I smile widely "the running!" He pulls the lever "here we go!" "Allons-Y!" holds on a railing excited. The Doctor laughs a little "Geronimo!"

The End. Or is it the beginning?

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