The Torchwood Terror chapter 6 The Telepathic trap

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    I change my face to a determined face. "Your threats won't work on me. I'm the Doctors daughter and  I will get out of here. Just you wait." I smile "And I know you've already lost one captive and I don't think you want to lose another one. But it will happen"

      She grabs my throat and pulls me close. "Do you honestly think we would of let miss Clara Oswald go if we didn't intend it?" She smirks at me "ooh the Doctors daughter. Your not as smart as him." I smile coming back with a with one back "And do you think I would of told you who I am if I didn't intend it? So your planning on going after them good to know" I close my eyes and contact the Doctor with telepathy.   "Doctor?  Tell clara they are coming after you guys be careful." The lady smirks at me. "Oh we knew that was your choice, whether we are going after them or not..well that's none of your business"  The Doctor responded back his mind slurred and he's still in pain. "We will get you back..." I focus closely on what he said and the events all piece together. "Oh, so you whipped the Doctor because you were done testing on him. Earlier you caught me and clara but then you just let us go. Because you knew we would come back to get him. You were after me.. the whole time.. after me."

   "Oh you're very smart.  Not saying your right or wrong, but very smart. Now here is my college he's a dude so I hope it's a bit more intimidating"

He comes up to me and places his hand on my chest. "Well what do we have here?" He puts his ear where my heart would be. "Well well well full-on timelord? If not definitely close"

        "Hey boundaries! Ugh your not going to respect my boundaries here are you? Why do I bother" She smirks at me. "Now what should we do with you"

In my mind I'm a bit nervous.  My mind reels over what are they going to do to me..I need to stay strong for the Doctor.  She touches my back making me wince. "Now where is miss clara taking the Doctor then?" I answer. "I wouldn't know since I'm stuck here all the time and all the times I longed to see him I always had no idea where he was" The man stands, thinking "Hmm.. yes let's stay with simple things then. You're a timelord, you will give your wonderful  father a message for me"

    "Hmm and what message would that be? Assuming you know about our telpathic link. And tested on it. By the way, I felt that. And blimey I had just gotten over a cold too." I recalled a past Time they had my dad and it affected me too complaining over it. She Ignores my complaints  "Only if you promise me you will tell him the message word for word."

      "Alright.  What's the message?" She goes close to me and talks in my ear "tell your dad that you need him, And make it personal dear. Tell him that he's should run as fast as he can to save you and he doesn't have a lot of time so.. "  She smirks at me. "Let's see how much he cares for his daughter that he's never seen"

      I thought it over realizing what they were trying to make me do. "It's a trap for him! I'm not going to do it. You've hurt him enough!  And he has seen me I've just never seen him. I did once... but then the silence made me forget." I look down and then stare directly in her eyes. "I'm not going to lead the Doctor into a trap"

She smiles at me. "We aren't leading him into a trap that's his choice." Then whips me again down my back "Now do as you're told."

         I whimper, trying not to show how much that hurt. My back really stinging now and I felt like going into my mind to try to escape. So I start the telepathy with the Doctor.  "Hi... dad. I'm at torchwood they have whipped me and slapped me. It hurts... I need you and  I want you with me  But I don't want you to come here cause I know they will hurt you more.  But if you could run as fast as you can to save me I don't have much time. I don't know what they will do to me but I know it will hurt. I love" his response more less slurred then last time "oh katrina.  I'm so sorry. I'm coming for you. I promise I will get you out of there"

"Becareful. Oh I'm probably going to get in trouble for this but.. Doctor it's a trap! They are using me to get you. I know you will always save me. Goodbye dad. The next time I contact you with telepathy it might be tapped if not all ready. Goodbye." I open my eyes.

       she looks at me "tell him, did you?" I look into her eyes. "Yes you happy now?" I look down acting like I'm depressed at leading him into a trap, using my good acting skills.  "I am...content. for now. As I said he has a limited amount of time to get here. Let's motivate him shall we." She whips me again, and I cry out in pain again.

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