Chapter 2

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There was so much of the world she'd never seen before, all in one place. Omorose-Nawa especially loved The Hall of African Mammals, seeing creatures of different colors, shapes and sizes.
"Oh sure, they don't try to eat HER during her first night." Larry complained as Omorose-Nawa visited with the lions. The two lionesses surrounded her as she stroked the mane of the male.
"They have a good judge of character." Ahkmenrah smiled while walking over to join her.
"Ok is it just me or is Mr. Ahkmenrah acting even nicer than usual?" Jedidiah whispered.
"He is simply being a gentleman, my good man." Teddy replied happily.
"Well I for one have a feeling he is slowly beginning to fall for the young maiden." Lancelot thought aloud.
"I'm with you there, boy." Jed chimed in. The knight's eyes lit up as he smiled big, gesturing to the cowboy enthusiastically.
"He gets it!"
"He does seem rather drawn to her." Sacajawea noted.

"You seem to have a great appreciation for animals." Ahkmenrah smiled while the zebras approached. She turned to smile into his eyes,
"They are wonderful creatures." The ancient royal nodded in agreement,
"Very wonderful, be they prey or predator." He watched as the large tan and white snake slithered its way onto her shoulders from the trees. She became frozen stiff with eyes wide open out of fear. On the inside she was begging for help as she stared at the snake. She didn't exactly have the best history with these creatures.
"Omorose," Ahk's voice drew her eyes onto him, "It's alright. You don't have to be afraid." He watched her close her eyes and take a deep breath. She did her best to stay calm, and just felt the snake. When it stopped moving, Ahk asked Omorose to open her eyes. She shook her head profusely. Her chest barely even moved to breathe.
"I promise you won't regret a peak." He smiled when seeing her eyes slowly pry open. Soon enough, she fully sees the snake harmlessly resting on her shoulders as if it'd done so many times before. She released a big sigh and relaxed. Omorose even gained the courage to gradually raise a hand to stroke it.
"Hey guys, we have time for one more exhibit before sunrise." Larry announced. Ahkmenrah then had to explain to Omorose why. Now it was all starting to make sense why she was alive again, let alone him. Omorose-Nawa felt her heart slowly sink.
"As long as we have the tablet, it can always grant us the gift of each other at night." He smiled softly, hoping to lift her spirits. She nodded with a small smile in return, then climbing back up into the statue's hand. She watched the young pharaoh join her as the others began to walk on. Rather than ask where they headed off to next, she decided to wait and see. Her eyes spared no surroundings during their final journey of the night, being filled with continuous wonder. Ahkmenrah smiled to himself, and soon gestured to another familiar friend.
"This is the Easter Island head. He's quite a friendly fellow."
"Hello, Dum Dums. I see no gum gum, but I see new friend friend." The large head smiled. Jedidiah and Octavius found it rather amusing hearing Ahkemnrah translate that.
"This is Omorose-Nawa. First and only Dancer of the great Anubis." Ahkmenrah proudly introduced, causing her to blush a little at hearing him say it so extravagantly. She spoke softly to him with a small smile.
"I know, but I really wanted to say it like that." His response made her giggle quietly.
"Awe, what a cute new dum dum. Are you having fun fun?" After Ahk told her what he said, Omorose-Nawa smiled. She nodded to the giant talking head.
"Good good. I am glad to have new friend friend." Omorose listened to Ahk, before bowing gratefully to her new friend.
"I hate to breakup this moment of friendship, but the sun will be up soon." Larry spoke up.
"Then we best be on our way. Until tomorrow, everyone." Said Ankmenrah while the statue rose from kneeling down. Everyone else dispersed throughout the museum to their places. When the ancient Egyptians reached their exhibit, the two slid off the jackal's hand. Ahkmenrah stepped away for a moment. Meanwhile, Omorose smiled while running her hands underneath the chins of the great guardian statues. She bowed to them and received the gesture in return. The pharaoh glanced behind him to make sure he was far enough away from Omorose before saying,
"Larry, I wish to have a party tomorrow night and would like you both to come. I want to welcome Omorose-Nawa with even more open arms." Ahkmenrah smiled widely to his friend.
"Sure!" Said Nicky.
"We'll be there." Larry smiled.

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