Chapter 15: Starco Halloween

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It's been weeks since Star, River and Marco have found Moon.  Marco remembered that on Earth Halloween will be celebrate, and only that day he and Star have to dress up on a costume. Of course he told Star about that festivity. After Marco told her, she was so excited. She wanted that Halloween come quickly. But there was a problem, neither of them had a halloween costume. So Marco told Star that they would go to a costume store on Earth. She agreed.

It was a beautiful morning on the Mewni, the rays of the sun were coming through Star's window waking her up.

Star: (Ahmm. What a wonderful day. I wonder if Marco woke up.)

Star went to Marco's door and knocked it.

Star: Marco?

Marco: -waking up- Who is it?

Star: It's me, Marco. Did I wake you?

Marco: Well you did now.

Star: Can I come in?

Marco: Wait  a minute. I'm not dressed.

Star: Okay. I'll wait you in my room.

Star went to sit on her bed. Well her room was next to Marco's room.

After minutes, Marco came out from his room.

Marco: Morning Star -kisses her cheek-

Star: Morning -smiles- So, what are we gonna do today?

Marco: Well, maybe we can go to buy our halloween costumes.

Star: Oh, you're right. I forgot about. So, when we're going?

Marco: We can go after breakfast.

Star: Yeah, sounds cool.

Marco: Well we better eat.

Star: Yep.

So our favourite couple went to eat breakfast that as we know their favourite cereal. Going to the dining room and found Eclipsa feeding Meteora.

Star: Morning Eclipsa

Marco: Good morning Eclipsa

Eclipsa: Morning guys.

After they said morning to Eclipsa, they started to eat breakfast. Meanwhile they were talking about random things like they always did. Minuts later, they picked up their bowls and took them to the kitchen and got ready to go to Earth.

Marco: Before we go to the store, I want to visit my parents. It's been months that I came to Earth.

Star: Yeah, me too.

Marco: Thanks, Star. -smiling-

Then Star and Marco went to Marco's parents. When they arrived there, Marco rang the doorbell, Mrs Diaz opened the door.

Angie: Oh, hey guys.

Marco: Hi, mom.

Star: Hi, Mrs Diaz.

Angie: Come in.

Star and Marco passed to the living room and sit on the couch.

Angie: So, guys. What are doing here?

Marco: Well, we are going to the costume store to buy our Halloween costumes. But first I wanted to visit you guys.

Angie: Oh, that's sweet. So, what happened since the day you visited us?

Star: Well, it's been a rough months. We've been looking for my mom since she disappeared but finally we found her, but there is one problem. She lost her memory. When we found her, she didn't know who I was -sheds a tear-. Marco seeing her like that, he hold her hand to calm her down.

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