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Hi! I see that I have hooked your attention. Be proud, because your the firsts of our army.

So seeing that you are here, you probably have a book you've published or you are planning soon to publish one. Now, how exactly does the magic works?

As you all know Wattpad have ways to help your stories be discovered. But knowing that you still clicked this book, it's not enough to gain you thousands. Well, if you have observed the workings of the system here in Wattpad, you would notice that the more activity happens in your book the more people see it.

So now I am here to make an irresistible offer.

Votes and comments may not be a lot, but each one that is added to your story will give you more chances to be recommended by Wattpad. Trust me, even just one vote can gain me 20 more views. So to tell you my offer, this book club is about helping each and every participant to gain more views. However, without many people, this will serve its purpose on the least. But worry not, many or one, this will still work for us.

As I was saying, me, myself is also struggling to get discovered in this busy industry. So to join this club and participate in the magic, all you need to do are the following things:

- Follow me
- Leave three votes in my other book (Link down below)
- Leave a comment
- Comment you're done in this book and tag 3 friends

And just as easy as that, I will gladly return the favor of following you, voting with the same count of votes given to my book, and the same goes for the comments.

Also, your book's synopsis and link will be added here for more readers to see you work and maybe its what they've been looking for. Also readers here can do the same things above and given the promise that you will return the favor.

I repeat it doesn't matter if you've come here as the first viewer, it all starts with one voter, and hopefully, for you that's enough head start.

Link for my book The Slightest Touch: https://my.w.tt/YdxkGvkEi1

See the next chapter for rules and regulations.

Wattpad's Aspiring Writers Book ClubWhere stories live. Discover now