Rain Bow

25 7 3

Author: Team_Grimoire


She has power like that of no other
Plotting clever schemes, she and her mother
She crashed the party and had a ball
But unleashed an evil that would doom us all
All will be slaughtered, faces filled with fright
Their cries are not heard, their downfall is not right
Do not waste your time attempting to fight
For none can defeat the Blackest Night


Aqua is just your everyday teenage spectrum. She is a Dark Blue, who had recently moved in from the Blue Primary Kingdom with her mother. Aqua and her mother are both of the lowest class, and they have moved into a city full of high class spectrums. There are multiple signs that reveal to Aqua that she and her mother do not belong here, in this new environment, but Aqua always either ignores them or finds a way to shut the trap of those who attempt to scare away her and her mother. Nobody can persuade the family of two to move out of the kingdom. But when Aqua and her mother successfully crash a party meant for only members of the nobility, Aqua accidentally unleashes an ancient evil, destined to destroy not just their new home in this kingdom but the entire planet. This evil appeared, unexpectedly, in the form of a teenage boy. Aqua knows that she must stop the Blackest Night, before he can fulfill this dark destiny. But he proves to be a worthy opponent. No normal spectrum would be able to take on such a threat, head on, while also keeping the secret of how the Blackest Night escaped his prison, during the royal families' special Christmas Celebration. But Aqua is no normal spectrum. She is strong. She is patient.... She. Is. Brilliant.

This is our first story on Wattpad. So if you see a grammatical error anywhere, point it out to us. New chapters for this book will be posted whenever we can all write together (Basically all the time)!


Status: Ongoing

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