Soul Of A Gambler

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Author: Darunami


Life in the galaxy is good for an outlaw in these strange times. Dissent is growing in the major powers, the dominant force of the Blackwatch battles rebels at home and across their colonies while struggling to maintain their expansion. Their inattention has led to the boom of an intergalactic criminal underworld, as police actions grow more and more difficult. Further increasing the pressure, Blackwatch forces have begun to be lost on voyages into the "black sectors" of the map. Mounting rumors stoke the flames of rebellion. As far as Jax Davis is concerned, this era will never end. For Jax, nothing truly ends. Story in 20 parts, new updates every Friday! This story is the backstory for the character Jax of The Spectrals by my critique partner, KrampusTheFirst. Spectrals content belongs to him, and I'm just using with permission.


Status: Ongoing

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