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To participate in this Book Club, you need to be the following:

- Have a book which has less than 50000 views
- An account which has less than 100K followers
- A generous heart ha ha

So the rules are simple, as I have stated in the previous chapter, to join the fuss all you need to do is:

- Follow me
- Leave atleast three votes in my other book (Link down below)
- Leave a comment
- Comment you're done in this book and tag 3 friends

And just as easy as that, I will gladly return the favor of following you, voting with the same count of votes given to my book, and the same goes for comments.

Note: I can't promise that I can quickly return the favor, but I will as soon as I can.

Now, along with your comment in this book, include the Title of the book that you would like to be featured in here. So I can post your synopsis and links of your book and bio.


Readers of this book can join the hype by following, voting, and commenting in the books and authors that will be featured. After doing so, you can comment 'done' in the respective chapter of the featured stories in this book so the participants can simply return the favor.

Note: Please tell me if any of the participants aren't doing their end of the bargain. You can comment on the first chapter or simply dm me. So I can handle the situation.

If you have any more clarifications, you can comment down below or send me a direct message.

With no further ado, let the magic begin. ✨🎉

Wattpad's Aspiring Writers Book ClubWhere stories live. Discover now