Halloween special sick jimin🎃👻🍬

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It was Halloween and everyone was getting ready to go out and trick or treat obviously managers coming against there better judgment. Once they put on the costumes they got in the van and theft to a small neighborhood to avoid getting mobied.namjoon was dressed as a clown, Tae was a vampire, kookie was a zoombie, jimin was whinnie the poh, yoongi was in a stich onsie from lilo and stich, hobi was a panda and Jin was Santa 🎅for some reason idk
Jimin had been sick all day yesterday and today but he didn't want to say anything because he still wanted to get candy. They started walking and after a few houses jimin realised his stomach still hurt a lot, he hadn't eaten today either  but he hadn't felt hungry at all just sick. He was tempted to tell jin or yoongi how he felt but decided against it and decided to tell his best friend Jungkook Instead. Jungkook was currently being a crack head with tae so it seemed like a good time. Kookie don't tell anyone but I feel sick he told Jungkook, Jungkook just said it was probably nothing and keep running up to House's. About 2 hours later he felt worse he was cold he had a fever and he felt like he was going to throw up but still he ignored it. Jin eventual did notice and asked it he was ok but he said yes not wanting to ruin things and just said yes. But eventually it was just too much and he threw up on yoongi causing them both to throw up. Jin felt his forehead immediately realising he had a fever then yelling at everyone to get in the car. The drove to the hospital to find out he had the stomach flu. After he got home he was ok and he got to eat his candy but yoongi.. Yoongi never recoverd and was traumatized forever.

Hi guys I'm sorry I didn't get this out on Halloween I got this idea after Halloween. I'm sorry my typing is so bad it's because my key pad on my phone is being weird but I hope you still like it anyway. I don't even know if Halloween is a thing in Korea so I apologize if I was  offensive to anybody, I want this to be safe environment not a place where you get offended. PLEASE REQUEST I'm kinda out of ideas but yea I hope you liked it even though it wasn't long but I have an idea for next chapter so it'll hopefully be better. Thank you for the support 💞if anyone needs anything please text me I'm always here and don't judge anyone I promise ☺🥰💞

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