taehyung anemia

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Idea by LEMMEdits

Taehyung would feel light headed time to time during dance practices but never really thought of it as a problem before until this week. It was getting worse and worse he would feel nauseous and like he was about to faint but it never actually happened until the other day. He was practicing as he usually did but he felt really light headed but not much worse then Usual so he thought it was just because he hadn't eaten yet and it was already the evening by that time. He keept going until Jimin asked if he was ok to which he answered he was fine. He wasn't. During the middle of the 5th take of the song taehyung couldn't move or see anymore and everything was blurry. To which he eventually fell over and he was unconscious. Everyone freaked out other then Yoongi and Namjoon. Jin wanted to call 911(or whateva it is in Korea) but Namjoon reassured him he was fine and to go get home some water. Once taehyung woke up he couldn't comprehend what had just happened. In the end he got tested and found out he had anemia so he wasn't dying. It never happened again:)

Hello everyone I know my writing style is different today but it's not going to stay like this unless you guys like it anyway thank you and I'll get the rest of the requests out soon :)

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