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"N-neh?! Wait manager-nim I'm not gonna sing" I looked at sinb. Why though? I haven't heard her sing yet but I think she can do it.

    I smiled to myself, she's really unexpected I didn't even know that she can dance and she's popular too and now she can also sing? Wow this girl is full of talent I can't wait to hear her sing so nu-uh she's gonna sing with me

"Why?" I asked her sounding a lil hurt hihi.

"I-I'm not uhmm confident on my singing, mian unnie" she said and looked away.

"Hey it's fine we can work it out and I can help you with your singing don't worry " I reassuringly said and I don't know what's gotten into me but I  grab her hand and squeeze it gently to reassure her that it's gonna be fine.

    She looks at our hands and slowly faced me I smiled at her and lightly tap her hand

"But I-I'm I mean please don't expect on my singing" she said and look away

"So is that a yes? You're gonna sing with me? There's no backing out okay, Okayyy?" I exclaimed excitedly and she just nods at me. Damn she looks so cute

"I didn't know you're that close" Oppa said and chuckled I slowly let go of sinb's hand and look away.

"Anyway if you accept this project just sign this contract and we're all settled" my manager explained and I just stared at sinb she's in deep thoughts. Did she change her mind? I hope she won't

"Well thank you Sinb-ssi we can't wait to work with you, so I'll just leave both of you alone okay?" Oppa suddenly said and got up on his seat, that's when I realized that she signed the contract. She signed the contract that means---

"Neh. Kamsahamnida manager-nim" She bowed to Oppa and I bid him a goodbye before looking at the girl beside me I smiled when I found her looking at me.

"Ahh kamsahamnida unnie" she tried to bow at me but before she can do that I already stop her

"No I should thank you for making this project a reality now come on let's head out" I got up from my seat and she does the same.


     I still can't believe it I'm gonna sing and I'm gonna do it with Yuju unnie, like how did this happen?

"Hey sinb-ah you've been so quiet ever since you both arrived here" I got startled when sowon unnie suddenly turned her attention to me

"Ahh come again unnie? I'm sorry I didn't quite catch you" I apologised and slightly scratch my neck due to embarrassment, I avoided yuju and yerin unnie's eyes that was clearly stuck on me gad this is embarrassing T.T

"I said why are you so quiet, is there something wrong?"

"O-oh it's nothing unnie" she just looked at me and turn her head to Yuju unnie

"What?" Yuju unnie exclaimed when Sowon unnie fixed her gazed on her.

"What happened?" Sowon unnie asked
"Are you guys hidding something?" Yerin unnie added. I just gulped and reminded myself to not say a single thing because manager-nim said that we shouldn't tell this to anyone even my unnie's

"Ahhh No? Y-yah! Both of you stop glaring at me!" Yuju unnie exclaimed at both of them and I just sighed

"Did you just yell at us? Choi Yuna?!" Yerin unnie yelled and glared at her

"I-I'm sorryyyy. It's just that why are you both glaring at me? I didn't do anything though" she explained and looked at me "little help Bbi?" She asked and I internally screamed and bite my lip because of the smile that trying to escape from my face and the way she called me by a nickname. Crap! I should be cringing but it sounds so good

"What the? Pshh what's with the nickname though? Pfft" I just glared at a giggling Sowon unnie I hoped she'll choked Pshh

"And Why are you blushing huh?" I hide my face and yerin unnie put her arms around my shoulder obviously teasing me

"N-no I'm not, tsk stop it unnie" I removed her shoulder and pinched her waist

"A-aww! Unnie! She just hurts me!" Without yerin unnie noticing I silently moved away.

"Arghh I hate you both tch" I mumbled quietly and glared at them

"Nah you love us just admit it" I just rolled my eyes and just decided to listen at the three of them talked.

     After a few mins. The unnie's decided to go home because yuju unnie has another schedule that she needs to attend. After that we all bid goodbye to each other we went home with sowon unnie driving our way home.


A/N:  I'm sorry it's boring please forgive me 😓 T.T but I hope you'll like this story 😁 and a double update for y'all have a nice Christmas eve 💕🎄


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