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"You won't go to work today?" Sowon ask as she place a cup of coffee infront of yerin.

"Hmmm. I'm tired and the staff really needs to work without me, I really need to hire a new manager for this branch" yerin said pouting and take a sip of the coffee

"You're tiring yourself yerin-ah, you're the owner of that café, you don't need to always guide them besides your branch are already successful" sowon said sitting down right on yerin's side

"Neh. Enough of that business, I'm really sleepyyyy" yerin whined changing the topic making sowon giggled at her cute antic

"Who told you to sleep late hmm?" Sowon ask, pinching the younger's cheek

"But, I'm just worried." Yerin said in a lower tone. Sowon just sigh

"Yeah I am too, but what can we do? Sinb is so stubborn and eunbi is emotionally distress right now" sowon replied looking worriedly at yerin

"We really need to help them" yerin said

"Yeah but for now, you need to sleep more" sowon said while looking at yerin fondly

"Coming from you?" Yerin giggled "you also need a rest babe" she added
"Fine then, I'll cuddle you after you finish your drink" sowon said smirking slightly, yerin just blushed and sipped on her coffee making sowon laugh

"Unnies" both yerin and sowon  look at the person who called them, seeing that it's eunha they both give her a warm smile

"Good morning Eunbi-ah, come sit here" sowon said as she pointed the spot beside yerin

"Good morning to the both you unnies" eunha greeted them and make her way to yerin's side, sowon stand up

"What do you want, coffee or Milk? " Sowon ask the younger making yerin  stare at her fondly

"Milk unnie, thank you" eunha said giving sowon a sincere smile, sowon smiled back and continued to make the younger her drink

   Eunha look at her unnie's side as she notice that yerin has been staring at sowon with a lovely smile, she smiled.

"Yerin unnie " eunha said nudging her unnie's side making yerin startle a little

"W-what?" Yerin ask and cleared her throat composing herself infront of her sister

"So it's already official right?" Eunha whispered making yerin blushed by  her teasing

"Shut up eunbi" said yerin with her face flushed in red, eunha just giggled as she notice that sowon's done making her drink

"What happened to your face?" Sowon asked as she put Eunha's milk on the table and patted Eunha's head lightly

"Thanks unnie" eunha said and giggled a little before drinking her milk

"N-nothing!" Yerin stuttered making sowon looked at her confused

"Okay? Chill there" sowon said chuckling a little and cupped both of yerin's cheeks patting it a little. Eunha just observes them silently with a small smile plastered in her face.


       The three of them both look at the kitchen's entrance, sinb's face suddenly change from relaxed to disturb as she saw eunha, she wince a little and focus her eyes on both sowon and yerin, avoiding Eunha's eyes.

"Why are you dressed like that? It's still early" sowon asked the younger, eunha just looked at sinb, praying that atleast the dancer spare a glance on her side

"Oh about that, I'm going to yuju unnie's place" Sinb said she then look at yerin and sowon

"Are you free unnie? Can you drive me to her place?" Sinb added, yerin looked at her confusingly, eunha sigh and stare at sinb

"Wait it's still early though?" Yerin said, sinb just tilted her head a little and pouted

"You both forgot that the song's gonna drop today aren't you?" Both sowon and yerin's eyes went wide making sinb scoff at them, while eunha just look at them, confuse

"OHH right, alright then I'm gonna drive you to yuna's place yerin needs to rest" sowon said standing up, sinb smirk a little

"Aw what a nice girlfriend" Sinb said teasing her two unnie's, sowon grab her with her arms wrapping around the younger's shoulder tightly

"Shut up! Yuna's waiting for you kid" sowon unconsciously said, her eyes eventually widen when she realised what she had said, eunha frown a little while yerin sigh.

"Ouch! I was just kidding! Jesus you're gonna choked me!" Sinb said or rather complained as she's groaning trying to remove the strong arm around her shoulder

"Tsk let's just go, and stop shouting at me! Or else" sowon said and drag sinb out of their unit.

     Once the two were out of their sight yerin turn her look at her sister, whose been looking at her. Eunha smiled a little and sigh.

"Am I too late unnie?" Eunha said with a sad smile on her face, yerin swears that she just heard her heart breaking as she witness her sister's face.

"I-I don't know Eunbi-ah, I'm sorry" Yerin said, her voice low. Eunha just smiled at her

"Don't be sorry unnie, if I didn't leave she'd still be here with me" eunha said "and they are still not official right? It means I still have a chance" she added looking at her sister with hopeful eyes, yerin gulped

"Yeah they are still not official" yerin said, she doesn't want her sister to still pursue sinb's heart. She knows that both sinb and yuju are already falling for each other deeply and she don't want her sister to get hurt even more.

"That's good then!" Eunha exclaimed happily

"Eunbi-ah" yerin called making eunha look at her expectantly

"I don't want you to get hurt again" yerin said looking at Eunha's eyes full of concern. Eunha only smiled at her

"I won't unnie, if I try to pursue eunbi's heart again then I won't have any reason to blame myself again" eunha explained "I'll be okay unnie, don't worry okay?" She added and hugged yerin's side. Yerin just sighed and hug her back.

"Cha. Now why don't you tell me how's your stay in LA?" Yerin asked and looked expectantly at Eunha

AN :  Omg who's excited for the SOTS Tracklist?!! I can't wait for gfriend's comeback the Teasers are all so cool plus the girls definitely look undeniably gorgeous!  Anyways~ I hope you all have fun reading this new update! Please give your reviews for this story it helps a lot! Drop your comments and I'll gladly read it😊❤

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