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"Yuju-ssi are you alright? You've been distracted these past few days and you look quite gloomy, is there something wrong? " yuju just smiled timidly. The singer has been distracted ever since the day she straightforwardly confess to sinb.

"Oh, I'm alright don't worry, there's just so many things going on in my head right now" she replied reassuring her manager, the manager just sigh and tap her shoulders lightly

"Fine. But if you need me or if you need something just tell me alright?" Her manager said before leaving her alone.

The singer deeply sigh, it has been three days since the day she confessed to sinb and it's also been three days ever since she talked and saw the girl. There's a lot of possible scenarios going on inside her head.


"I Like you so much bbi, I'm not fooling around. I really like you"

"E-eh? Eyyy don't be like that unnie, I might fall for that" Sinb said in a panic tone, as she's so overwhelmed from all the things that her unnie is saying.

Because of the dancer's response Yuju frowned and look at sinb's eyes deeply, making the younger uncomfortable and eventually avoided the singer's look.

"Look at me bbi" Sinb still avoided the singers looks by looking down to the floor.

"W-why?" Sighing for the nth times, yuju softly grab sinb's both cheeks. Making the dancer look straight to her eyes.

"Fall for it then" Yuju said in a soft and low voice while staring straight at the girl infront of her who looks confused


"Fall for it bbi, because I'm not joking. I really like you, and I just want you to know that" she sincerely said still staring straight to sinb's eyes which immediately turned round from shock

Letting the younger's cheeks go, they both sit still with Sinb whose still in shock, and with Yuju whose in anxious state. She's worried that she might possibly frighten the younger girl because of her sudden confession. Her anxiousness became even more worst after a whole 5 long minutes that they are still in the same position with Sinb whose in her own world getting all the confession that her unnie said sink in.

"Sinb-ah, talk to me please" yuju desperately said. Her hands trembling in nervousness, while her lips and throat went dry. She heave a sigh heavily hoping that the dancer could respond

"I-I d-dont know wha-what to say" the dancer mumbled. She don't know what to do, she clearly knows that she likes the singer, but it confused her on the fact that she don't know what's stopping her to also confess to the older girl

"Hey hey. Let's just take it slow okay? I'm not forcing you to like me back or something like that. I-I just want you to know what I really feel" yuju nervously said, she's disappointed but she knows that she's not in the place to force the dancer to like her back.

"I-I'm sorry unnie" That's the only words that sinb can say, she wants to punch herself for not confessing that she also like the singer, there's just stopping her from doing so. Yuju just give her a small smile

"Don't worry about it, just let me freely show you that I really do like you" yuju said while smiling at the singer

"U-unnie---- *Kringggg kringggg*" sinb's word was cut when her phone suddenly ringed. She silently thank whoever call her for saving her in answering the singer. Sinb looked apologetically to the singer who only give her a small and force smile.

"Answer that first" the singer said so sinb only nodded and got up on her seat, she move to somewhere not quite away from yuju.

《Sowonnie calling.............》

"N-neh?" Sinb said as she answered the phone.

"I'm outside yuna's unit sinb-ah, I need to pick you up early because I have schedule for the next couple of minutes and I can't let yerin or eunha pick you up" Sowon said, sinb glance at yuju whose silently looking at her

"Alright. I-i'll go down in a minute, bye unnie" she replied and ended the call.

She walk back to Yuju's side while avoiding the singer's gazed.

"I-I have to go now u-unnie, sowon unnie pick me up early and she's already on the basement" the singer explained and give an apologetic looked to the singer

"Ow that's okay, you should go now sowon unnie's waiting for you" the singer said even if she don't want the girl to go.

" See you then u-unnie" Sinb give the other girl a small and sincere smile before picking up her purse and turned her back to the girl.

Yuju looked at sinb's back walking close to the door, Sighing deeply. She run to chase the dancer before she could leave her unit.

"Sinb-ah! Wait!" Yuju said and softly grab sinb's hands.

"N-neh unnie?" Sinb faced the singer and said in shock

"You'll still talk to me right?" Yuju anxiously asked, she's scared that the younger girl might avoid her from now on.

Sinb smiled widely as if reassuring the singer

"I'll still talk to you, Don't worry unnie" Sinb replied making yuju breath in relief

"Lastly." Yuju hesitate to say it but she say it to the dancer anyway

"Let me show you freely what I really feel. You don't have to do anything, just let me do what I want for you" Yuju said leaving sinb speechless.

"D-do I have a choice?" Sinb replied after a while and look at the singer whose smile finally let out of her gorgeous face

"No. No you don't" yuju said and pulled the dancer in a tight hug, leaving her once again in a shock state

"Now go, sowon unnie's waiting for you" Yuju said in a all smiley face, sinb just nodded and dash away out of her unit because of too much overwhelming things that happened.

< Flashback ends>

Sighing deeply for the nth time, yuju picked up her phone and hesitate if she's gonna call the dancer or not. She just missed her too much, and it's been three days already and it seems like the dancer is avoiding her.

"Did I do something wrong?" For the who knows what nth time, yuju sighed again and leaned her back on the couch on her waiting room.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
AN : Hey everybody! Here's another update for y'all!!❤ sorry if it took me long, I just got busy these past few days. But I hope you all will like it! Have a great day buddies💙❤💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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