7.| I simply can't have you.

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"Talk." I fold my arms over my chest.

"About?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Margaret. Annalise. There's more shit between you and Margaret than just fighting over child support. I'm not stupid Richardson. Africans are way smarter than you think. Nou praat!(Now talk)." I lift one eyebrow up.

"I'm not doing this with you." He shakes his head and closes the door but I stop it with my stiletto.

"Bitch please." I scoff.

He opens the door again. "I will fire you." He threatens through gritted teeth.

I chuckle. "Try it. I dare you." I push open the door and walk into his penthouse. I walk straight to the kitchen amd grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"This is invasion of privacy." He debates when he walks into the kitchen. "I will make you give in your letter of resignation if you don't leave." He points at me.

"First off, get that finger out of my face before I bitch-slap you." He removes his finger. "Second, you can't fire me because no one wants to work as your assistant anymore. At least not anyone with my criteria. Third, you invaded my privacy yesterday when you woke me up in my bedroom. You not only entered without my permission but you also mispronounced my full name and surname." I shake my head, tsking.

I take a sip from my water and sit on the counter. "Now Keegan, you've got some talking to do because after all. You're stuck with Ms. Africa." I lean back on my hands.

He sighs in frustration, knowing that he's been upper handed.
"I can't tell you." He looks down.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" I question with a harsh tone.

"We had a non-disclosure agreement." He says in soft voice coming as more of a whisper.

"Don't tell me that bullshit. She wouldn't know if you told me because I'm not telling anyone what you tell me." I sit up straight.

He looks up but still doesn't look me in the eyes.

"Richardson look me in the eyes." I demand and he does so.

He stares into my eyes intensely with his golden brown eyes that have a hint of yellow.
In his eyes I see so much...regret. His eyes tell me a sad story filled with regret and guilt.

"Keegan, I'm coming to you as an assistant and a reliable friend. Tell me what's going on. I will help. Whether you've gotten yourself in deep shit or you need help saving your soul. I am here." I petition.

"It's not that simple Letta." His voice hoarse.

"Then make it." I jump off the counter and walk towards him. "Make it...simple." I say softly.

"There's no simplifying here. If I tell you everything about Annalise and Margaret, shit could go down. You'd be targeted and I wouldn't live with myself if you were killed because of me." He says, sounding broken and torn.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Killed? Why would I get killed?" I whisper.

He looks me in the eyes, demanding eye contact. "Because you'd be someone I really care about. They'd hurt you to get to me. And I simply can't allow that." He softly grabs either side of my face with his hands.
He strokes my cheeks with his thumbs. "I want you Letta." He says in a raspy voice.

He wants you.
'Richardson wants you'

Derrick's words replay in my mind.

"I really do want you." He leans his forehead against my head.

I don't know how to comprehend, how to act. All I know is that I don't like the feeling I'm currently experiencing.
My hands are sweaty, my facing is heating up. I'm feeling tingles in my body and my stomach is twisting and turning as though I have millions of flying creatures in my belly. I feel as though I might vomit to this feeling but nothing is happening. My heart is clapping against my chest at a rapid speed, rapidly increasing by the second.

"You are everything I want in a woman." He says and my breath hitches in my throat.

I hold my breath. "But I can't have you." He says and removes his forehead from mine, removing his hands from either side of my face and walking to the door.

"I simply can't have you." He leaves.

I stand there, stunned in his kitchen.
I blink once, twice, thrice and still nothing happens. At first I assumed it was just a daydream or some type of game my mind is playing with me but it's not.

Instead my face still tingles from his touch, crying more.
My forehead cries from the lack of heat and weight that was just put on it.

Who would want to kill me?
Why would they want to kill someone close to Richardson?
What illegal shit Keegan involved with?!

I squeeze my eyes shut and release the long-held breath.
I start walking to the door and leave his apartment.

His words linger in my mind, replaying like a loop.

I want you Letta.
I really do want you.
You are everything I want in a woman.
But I can't have you.

I simply can't have you...

Hi guys. You've reached the end of the chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Honestly things are starting to heat up between Letta and Keegan( Mr. Richardson)

What do you guys think of this drama/suspense?

Is it heart trenching? If not, don't worry more drama is coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

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