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The local restaurant that Jane and Aria considered their own usually felt warm and inviting but this afternoon that vibe was all but the same. The dim lit booth they chose created the perfect mood for the dim conversation they were about to have, with Michael. This time Aria took it upon herself to stay away from the burgers and fries and instead stick to a cold drink, knowing she wouldn't stomach a whole meal. Michael was the first survivor that Aria had spoken to since she had made her own confessions to the world about Brody Jensen - and it felt strange. Although she would never admit it out loud Aria hadn't expected for anyone of the opposite sex to approach her about something like this. It was wrong of her to dismiss the fact that this didn't only happen to women and girls but to boys and men too. 

Michael Stanton was a handsome guy, that couldn't be escaped and from the glances around the restaurant other college students agreed. Aria noted that a few of them had even waved to him but seemed reserved with their greetings, nearly walking on egg shells around him. He had changed a lot from freshman year to sophomore year, that much was known but to know that Laura Patterson was responsible for it all sent shivers down her spine. No matter how much Aria wanted to think of high school without Brody Jensen affecting the memories she couldn't. Instead she had learned to accept the impact Brody had on her senior year but also tried to look for the small glimmers of light - like getting to know Tom or creating new friendships with Rebecca and Jane.

Jane and Michael had ordered a hamburger each and as they ate in silence Aria realized it was up to her to get the conversation going, she didn't want to be here until closing since she had places to be. She had yet to tell Jane that she had sent a message to Tom but not only that...she had gotten a response. It had come about half an hour after the message had been sent to her and it had been as short as hers, but behind it were depth. 

I'll be there. 

That was all it said but Aria hadn't been able to stop smiling at those three words, it was wide enough that she didn't understand how Jane could have missed it. The thought of Tom was suppressed far back to leave room for the seriousness in front of her, the files that were on the table mixed with the drinks, food and never ending supply of napkins. 

"We should get started," Aria broke the silence and grabbed one of the files in front of them, she tried to remember how professional Officer Jordan had been with her during her time at the police station and copy whatever he had done - she wasn't used to this, "can you tell us what she is using to blackmail you? Since that was mentioned in one of the files." 

Michael sighed and took a big bite of his hamburger in a very untimely situation - he was buying time. Aria watched him chew carefully and taking a sip of water each time he swallowed. 

"There is a video of me and her when she is performing fellatio on me--she showed it to me one time after I threaten to go to the campus security about what she was doing to me--she knew it would shut me up and she was right." Michael took another bite and chewed slowly.

Both Jane and Aria shared a look of shock when Michael was busy staring at his plate. The characteristics of the woman that Michael was describing was a total surprise to Aria considering she had gotten to know something so different. The Laura she knew would've screamed in rage at the actions Michael were describing but the image of her Laura was starting to fade rather rapidly.

"What happened that time, when she did that to you? Were you aware that she was taping you?" Jane asked and made two fries dance in the ketchup puddle on her plate.

Michael shook his head, "I was walking home from a party that I had been to, off campus, and she came out of nowhere. I was so out of it that when she told me that she'd take me to my dorm room I simply let her do it - but that's not where she took me," Michael said and glanced around the room for eavesdroppers, "she took me to her place, she has an apartment a few minutes from campus, and she stripped off all my clothes and sat me on a chair. The only thing I can remember was waking up as it was happening and begging her to stop, but she wouldn't. After that she dumped me back on campus property." 

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