25|is society ready?

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So close yet so far, that's exactly what Aria felt like that light at the end of the tunnel was. Just as she was sitting and was about to end a bad chapter in her life another one had just been written and for now the ending didn't look so bright. Peter could tell that she was distracted and had repeatedly tried to snap her attention back to reality but Aria was finding it all the more difficult as her mind was back at Hudson, wondering how Declan was doing. At this point Aria didn't have access to her phone and had no idea how the news had evolved and how the media was going to frame this scandal and the longer her absence extended from social media the more worried she got. The judges mouth was moving and Peter was now standing up as did Brody Jensen's judge. The length of her distraction reached far as she had barely noted that Brody was sitting shackled from head to toe to the table, considering what had just happened. 

"Mr Jensen, I'd like you to stand up sir," The judge called out and the guards walked over to assist him. "I want to confirm with you that it is indeed your decision to change your plea to guilty while also accepting the deal motioned by the prosecution. Is that so?" 

This time Aria turned to him as she and the rest of the room awaited an answer. He looked reluctant to give one and this she could understand. Admitting guilt would be a way of confessing and it would probably crush his parents that sat directly behind them. She wondered what lies he had filled their heads with and sympathized with them now as the truth was about to be confirmed; their son was not the man they thought he was.

"Y-yes your honor, I can confirm that I have agreed to change my plea." He mumbled in shame.

"Alright then. As an agreement has been reached and a sentence has been suggested I would like for the jury to exit the room," the judge called out and patiently waited for them to exit through a side door, "we will begin sentencing now." 

Aria released a shaky breath while hoping for this to be over quickly knowing that she would have to jump in the car and leave for Hudson as soon as she exited the court room. No celebration for the three musketeers yet. When Brody took his seat again the whispers overtook the room on both sides of the courtroom and many sighs of relief was released on the prosecutions side. One could only hope that Brody had decided to do the right thing in his upcoming trials as well to give the victims he actually was unfortunate enough to actually rape a chance to be rid of their long trauma. 

While the judge confirmed the discussed sentence that had been agreed Peter leaned over and tapped her shoulder to call her attention to him.

"The judge will ask you if you have a victim impact statement that you'd like to read to the defendant, it will be your only chance to address him personally. Is that something you'd be willing to do?" Peter whispered.

Aria didn't have to think about it for a long time. Even if she hadn't prepared anything she knew exactly what she wanted to say to him. Without a shred of doubt Aria nodded eagerly. She began thinking of what this experience had done to her and what she had learned about herself and the world. Brody had opened her eyes to not become so naive, he had awoken the survivor and fighter within her and given her a taste for helping other survivors fight back against their abusers. Of course she would've rather have lived her life without this traumatic experience and the same goes for her friends but what she wanted Brody to know was that despite of what he tried to do to her, she didn't bend to his threats and desperation for power. Instead she had fought back and made sure to seek the justice she deserved. With the right words beginning to forming Aria was more than ready to tell Brody how she felt.

"Miss Willows," Her attention was immediately summoned by the judge, "there is a chance for you to speak your mind in what's called a victim impact statement, do you wish to do so?" 

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