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A strange side had started to show in Tom Landry since his love declaration to- and reconciliation with Aria Willows. He was humming love songs, taking a few dancing steps to wherever he was going and thinking about the future he was planning on spend with her. It was as if he had been colorblind before meeting her and now everything was in bright colors, too bright almost. It was strange how quickly Tom had let go of the competitiveness of the corporate life and instead wanted to focus on his private life. While Aria was sleeping in his bed he had made a quick run to the office to gather enough material to be able to work from home, staying close to that love of his. Victoria had yet to come in but Michael's office was lit up so Tom took it upon himself to enter.

"What are you doing here so early?" Tom asked curiously.

"I like to come in before everyone else sometimes, it's the calm before the storm. What are you doing here? I thought you'd taken some time off." Michael leaned back in his chair.

"I'm just gathering some files and notes," Tom took another step inside, "but now that you're here I want to thank you. If it hadn't been for you I doubt Aria and I would be where we are right now; and for that I owe you everything." 

Michael looked just emotional as Tom was and the two men felt themselves in an awkward situation, too overwhelmed of gratitude for each other. Their employee and boss relationship had progressed into a friendship that they valued immensely and as one of his only friends Tom knew that whatever path he'd be on, Michael would always be there. The people that meant the most to him would always know that...another lesson learned.

"As long as you invite me to your future wedding, you don't owe me anything." Michael chuckled lightly.

But to Tom that statement was less of a joke and more like his reality. He knew he hadn't dated Aria for very long but he didn't have to do that to know what he wanted. In his pocket he fished out the engagement ring he'd bought two weeks into dating her. To him it wasn't impulsive or rushed, he was certain that when the time was right he was going to ask her to marry him. She still had a large portion of school left and Tom wasn't going to interfere with that, but once that was finished he hoped to start their life together - something he hadn't known he wanted until he'd fallen for her. 

"I bought this recently," Tom showed a stunned Michael the ring, "I have never been so sure about something as I am about this. So whenever the time is right, I am going to ask her to marry me." 

"Tom, wow--I'm not even sure what to say. Are you sure she's going to be ready to settle down, though? I know she loves you and that the two of you are destined for each other but...this is very soon." 

"Marrying her doesn't mean I want to move us out to the country side and whisk her away from her opportunities after college, all it means to be is that I am vowing her that there's always going to be the two of us...forever. Whatever Aria wants to...that's where I'll be." 

With that Michael found no objections and all he could do was shake Tom's hand while displaying the 'proud dad' look that Tom's own father had when he received the promotion. 

"Well then...let me know when I have to buy my suit." Michael said and smiled brightly before Tom said good bye and left.


As Tom came home Aria was glued to the TV and barely turned her head when he approached her for a kiss. On the screen they saw a woman being led away in handcuffs and Tom quickly realized that it was the woman that Aria had been talking about...her teacher.

"Oh my--are they really arresting her?" Tom asked and took a seat next to her.

"It seems like it. It's finally happened...they finally got that monster of that street." 

She looked anxious and constantly checked her phone. Tom knew where her mind was at and as much as he had hoped to have her for the rest of the day, he knew there was something she needed to do. 

"You have to go," Tom ordered softly, "you have to be with your friends." 

"No I don't--well I do but it can't wait--" 

"No it can't wait, Aria. I know you by now and I know where you want to be...where you should be. It's not like I won't be here when you come back..." Tom said reassuringly. 

The stress in Aria's eyes soon dimmed and eventually it was replaced by calmness. He knew better than to argue with Aria about what she should and shouldn't do and now it was one of the things she admired about her...that stubbornness and need to help those around her. Once she had helped him come out of his shell and despite wanting to have her to himself he knew that someone else needed her more than he did, right now. 

Aria leaned in and kissed him, hard and long, then she rushed to the bedroom to retrieve her belongings. Before she left Aria turned to him and looked just as she had the first day he'd ever saw her. That smile of hers could light up any room and was as contagious as a virus and once again reminded him of his feelings for her.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Aria asked him.

"You have, but I wouldn't mind being reminded." He chuckled teasingly.

With her eyes fixated on Tom, she ran toward him and locked lips with him seconds later. Tom's arms wrapped around her and his heart nearly beat out of his chest. He recalled the first kiss they ever had and concluded that the butterflies in his stomach had only doubled since then.

"I'll be pinching myself the second I leave, just to make sure all of this is indeed real. But if it's a dream...I really don't want to wake up from it," she said and kissed him again, "I'll be back as soon as I can." 

"No stress, we've got the rest of our lives." Tom reminded her while he clutched the box in his pocket.

Aria stopped in the doorway with a sly look, "This year is a leap year, you know." She winked before she disappeared.

Tom smiled and blushed...

And to think I wasn't even going to give her my name, he thought. Before he headed to the kitchen with a strange craving for biscuits.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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