28|ode to the future

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"Where do you think you're running off to?" Tom said as he reached for half naked Aria who felt her stomach growl from the lack of actual food.

"We need to get something to eat before we'll starve to death in this bed." Aria laughed and kissed his already swollen lips.

They had spent a full 24 hours in Tom's bed and from the looks of it he hadn't planned on leaving it any time soon. Normally Aria wouldn't object to this but she was starving and knew that she had heard the same sound from Tom's belly. By now she thought he'd be sick of exploring her body along with the many conversation they'd been having tangled in each other's arms but Tom only looked hungrier for her each minute that passed, it was a definite confidence booster. 

"We can order something again, if you like? I don't think my fridge is as stocked as I'd like." Tom's upper body got exposed as the sheets fell further to his waist. 

As nice as take out has been Aria longed for a home cooked meal and secretly wanted to wow him with her cooking skills, so after further struggle that occasionally turned into a heavy kissing session Aria managed to wrestle herself out of bed and out to Tom's kitchen.

"I'll make us something nice with whatever you have, I promise. You stay where you are." She commanded as she browsed his fridge.

This new reality she was living had started pretty great. For once she could grasp that she was truly out of that tunnel and had entered the other side. After any storm there would be calmness and this was her calmness. Aria couldn't stop smirking as she glanced down at her naked feet and legs while wearing one of Tom's t-shirts. They had truly managed to take their relationship to a new level rather quickly which could only mean good things for the future. With a near empty fridge and some fine cheese and bubbly as the only ingredients, Aria found some bread and decided to make some grilled cheese. 

Her head was in the clouds but not enough to not hear her phone vibrate somewhere in the hallway. She picked up her purse, which she had completely forgotten, and saw 'Unknown' sprawled across the display. Warning bells were sounding off but that curious cat of hers...it never rested fully and so she picked up the phone. The monotone female voice instructed her that she was receiving a phone call from an inmate by the name of Bobby Townsend. Her heart quickly picked up the phase and she leaned over the counter top, staring at the white bread in front of her. 

"Bobby?" Was all her shaking voice could allow to escape.

"Hey Aria, sorry if I'm bothering you or...maybe you don't even want to talk to me--" 

"--stop that nonsense, of course I do! How are you feeling after the trial? I've been thinking about you." 

Bobby sighed and left enough silence to worry her greatly. She could tell that he wasn't doing well at all and she didn't blame him. He had risked everything to get Brody the conviction he deserved and possibly having put himself in danger because of it. 

"They moved Brody to another prison, a serious one, I'm still under suicide watch but they're letting me leave the correctional hospital room to make phone calls to my family...and you." Bobby explained.

"Oh Bobby, I'm so sorry that this is all happening to you. I've been wanting to tell you how thankful I am for what you did for me; without a doubt you are the reason Brody Jensen got what he deserved."  Aria reminded him and hoped it would provide him with some solace.

Bobby's heavy breaths could be heard on the other end and soon enough she could hear him sobbing. Aria's body crumpled to the floor and wished she could teleport herself to where he was so she could comfort him better, instead she wept.

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