18|too late

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Tom Landry was a weak man right now. When Aria Willows stepped into his apartment he knew trouble awaited them inside but he wasn't sure what type of trouble they'd get into. Perhaps his weakness would lead them to his bed where they would soon be tangled in each other's arms, or maybe it would actually finish their conversation which would lead to her disappointment. He knew he had to turn her down again even though he almost confessed the truth to her at her mother's cafe, but he was too much of a coward to tell her the truth. He watched carefully as Aria walked around the living space, inspecting every painting and every detail that made this place a home to him. 

She stopped outside of his bedroom door and turned toward him; there was not a hint of a smile on her lips. In fact, now that he narrowed his eyes at her he could see that there was little to no happiness displayed behind those beautiful eyes of hers. Instead she looked at him with judgment or the human equivalent of a lie detector and it was scaring him. This conversation they desperately needed to have would take an ugly turn, he was certain of it.

"Is this your bedroom?" Aria asked him in a dark voice.

"Yes it is." He answered almost robotic. 

"Then I'll leave this be for now," she said and smirked at him, "let's sit down." 

After getting Michael Dubois to his apartment Tom was exhausted physically and slumped down on the sofa quicker than expected and soon Aria joined him. For some reason she sat dangerously close, so close he could easily reach out and taste her and she knew that - yet she persisted in sitting there. Something was going on with her but he didn't know what. 

"I know that you're still upset. you barely spoke in the car ride on the way over here and now you're looking at me like--well like I'm a criminal of some sorts." 

"Is that what you feel like when I'm looking at you? Do you know what I feel like when you're looking at me? I feel like you're keeping secrets from me, like you know something about us that you're not telling me..." She said while looking him with those interrogation eyes.

What the hell does she know? Tom thought and felt himself panic even if he didn't display it to Aria. Michael hadn't been alone with her for more than a few seconds and even then he was fast asleep in the car so he couldn't have told her. With the letter safely in its place Tom wondered what could've given him away, if anything at all. Then something clicked inside him; what if fate had given him this opportunity to come clean? He could confess his love to her now and finally breathe easy for once and perhaps she would overlook how long he lied to her. Hadn't she proven herself enough by now? Not only had she been patient with him from the beginning and broken through each wall he'd put up for her, even after confessing her love and being turned down she selflessly tried to put her feelings aside just to be his friend - so hadn't she proven herself enough? Yes she has, Tom thought and sighed out loud.

"You're a better person than I am, Aria, that's for sure," Tom said and smiled, "even when I was rude to you at the cafe you always smiled back at me. Everything about you is good...but I try to be good too sometimes - even if you wouldn't agree with me." 

"Why are you insisting in being so vague with me? It's not about being better than anyone and I'm no saint, trust me, but it's not that much of me to ask for you to be honest with me." Aria sounded exasperated but not yet defeated. 

His words tried to come out in the right way but just ended up stumbling over each other on the way out and nothing of value ended up being said. He remembered what his father had said about settling in life and how miserable he risked to be if he didn't follow his heart, no matter his fears. If he turned her down again he could see her walking out of that door and never returning again, and it would be all his fault. When Tom had failed to answer for a long time Aria placed a hand on his thigh and caught his attention instantly. The warmth quickly spread to his entire body and he relaxed into his seat. 

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