14|the painting and the book

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Laura's off campus apartment was decorated far more femininely than Laura Patterson appeared to like and it shocked Aria. For some reason she saw Laura having paintings of strong women and books to match, but it was filled with pink and fluffy pillows and pictures of naked sculptured women. She didn't want to cast judgment on what a woman could like or not, but this didn't seem like the woman she had gotten to know. She stopped in front of a painting of a man and women intertwined in an intimate position. At first it looked quite standard, a woman straddling a man with one of her hands gently placed on his chest, but when she looked closer there was a sharp object in her other hand and it was aimed towards his side - she was going to kill him. Aria thought of Laura and how this painting suited her more than the other's but many wouldn't see what Aria had just seen and only see the paintings innocence - much like how Laura wanted to present herself. 

After having stared at it too long she realized that Laura was watching her with an intriguing smirk and Aria scrambled to find an excuse for her behavior.

"This is a beautiful painting," she said and looked around the living area again, "so are all of them." 

"If you're lucky I'll let you keep one of them, one day. Now come and sit down and tell me what's going on with you." Laura patted to the side of her on the sofa. 

Aria couldn't help but think of how she had taken advantage of Michael in this very apartment. In the corner of the living area she spotted a wooden desk and an open laptop placed on it, although it appeared to be turned off. She took a seat next to Laura and sighed to prepare herself for another performance.

"The news about the trial was alright at first but then odd things started to happen, like the letters I've been receiving from prison. I don't know if they are trying to intimidating me..." Aria said and mentally apologized to Bobby for using him this way.

"Does your lawyer know about the letters? These boys aren't doing themselves any favors by threatening you like that, especially since the letters can be used as evidence in court. What do they say?" Laura asked curiously.

Aria searched for a lie that resembled the truth but instead decided to picture that the letters were from Brody Jensen. She had an idea of what he would write to her if he had the chance and it wasn't any remorseful words, that's for sure.

"They said that I'm a liar, that I should keep my mouth shut about and not keep him from living his life. He doesn't think he's done anything wrong." Aria said and nearly saw Brody's smirk in the distance.  

Laura nodded along with her while balling her hands into fists. Aria frowned at the sight of it and wondered what she was thinking. Laura's disdain for men was so publicly displayed and right now Aria could see it clearer than ever before. It wasn't the act of rape or assault that Laura condemned, it was men in general. Of course, Brody Jensen was a monster, but there were women who had done what Brody had - Laura being one of them. 

"Oh Aria, it's a tale as old as time. Men create chaos and bring us into it, it's in their DNA. Many doctors or scientist won't even look into how this can be eradicated because they are also men, and women are left to deal up the mess." Laura said in a stern and cold tone.

Aria frowned at what Laura was saying and felt compelled to argue her statement. She thought of her father or Tom, men she knew would never dare to do what Laura and Brody had done. So she fell for temptation while knowing that Jane and Peyton would cringe at her for doing so, but she simply couldn't let Laura's statement hang in the air like that.

"There are boys and men out there that wouldn't dare to do what Brody did to me and my friends. What about them?" Aria tried to sound as calm as she could.

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