Chapter 14 [UPDATED]

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Your eyes fluttered open as your breathing became a slightly faster pace. When your eyes were fully opened you gasped, as if it were a gasp of air from being deprived of it for so long. You looked around as you sat up quick. Which was a bad idea, you became extremely lightheaded in that moment and your vision went dark as you fell forward. Loud ringing filled your ears and you grimaced in pain. However, your vision quickly returned and your hearing regained. You heard the door open and a figure in all black walked in. You looked up to see Kylo's familiar face. "Y/N." He said, his mask changing his voice. Kylo rushed over and helped you up. "I'm okay." You said as you looked away in embarrassment. "You need to relax." Kylo said as he gently set you down on the bed you were lying on before. Kylo took off his mask and looked at you worryingly. "I need to relax? Kylo.. I was kidnapped by the government. They know I'm different, they will hunt me down. I'm scared." You said, not in anger but in fear and sadness. Your lip quivered as tears brimmed your eyes. Kylo hugged you tightly in an effort to calm you down. His heart was breaking for you, he didn't want you to be fearful. Kylo wanted you to be happy. Once you two pulled away Kylo gently put his gloved hand on your cheek and wiped away a tear. Kylo gave you a sympathetic smile. "It'll be okay." Kylo whispered and you gently leaned your head onto his hand as he comforted you.

You could have been there with Kylo, being comforted for hours but you knew you had to get this situation fixed, or figure out what your next step was. "Kylo.." You whispered as you gently let go of him. "Where am I supposed to go?" You asked, not looking up at him as you fiddled with a string in between your fingers. "I-I'm not sure. Y/N I want you to go with me but-" Kylo said, however you interjected him, you looked up at him, his eyes filled with worry. "Please let me go with you Kylo, there's nothing here for me anymore. Not now, not after what has happened." You said, pleaing for him to understand. "Y/N it's too dangerous, my position in my galaxy, what I do, it's too dangerous for you to be apart of." He said as he gently placed his hand under your chin, as if examining you for one last time. "No Kylo, please. If I stay here I will be tested on, they will cage me like a wild animal. Kylo I have some... Power I don't even understand, but you understand it and I need to understand what this is. I need a mentor, I want to understand this better but I can't without you." You said, examining your hands as if they were foreign.

Kylo looked at you for a moment and sighed. "Okay, you can come along. But you have to stick by me very closely." He said as he gripped onto both your hands with his own. You looked up into his honey brown eyes. He looked scared but relieved at the same time. "I'll stay by you.. I think I'd be too scared to be far from you anyways." You chuckle lightly, trying to lighten the mood. Kylo hadn't let go of your hands nor did he say anything. Kylo just looked deeply into your eyes and you looked at him slightly confused. "Kylo?" You asked, unsure as to why he was so quiet. "Y/N you're so..." He said as he slightly leaned in, his lips parting. "I'm so what?" You quietly gasped as your eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips. "You're so beautiful to me." Kylo whispered as he brought one of his hands up, parting it from yours and brushing a loose strand of your hair to push it back behind your ear. Kylo gently closed the gap between the both of you. He kissed you slowly and passionately as he kept one of his gloved hands on the back of your head, you brought your hands up to the sides of his face. His lips were soft and even tasted like honey, just as the color of his eyes.

You both pulled apart from the lack of air and you fluttered your eyes open. "Kylo.." You gasped, almost surprised but at the same time feeling the same way. "When you join me, with the First Order, please be my queen. I need someone like you by my side, someone so beautiful, intelligent, humorus, and strong such as yourself. Will you?" He asked and you inhaled deeply, it was so sudden but.. You felt, deep down somewhere that you had rarely tapped into, you knew it was right to be beside Kylo. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him. "Of course I will Kylo. I will be your queen." You whispered and a smile spread on his face, you could have sworn that was the widest grin you had ever seen Kylo express. Kylo kissed you again, this time quickly, it was filled with excitement and joy. You smiled once Kylo pulled away. You couldn't get enough of his beautiful features, his honey brown eyes which were filled with hope and joy. His pink and plump lips. His hair which flowed perfectly. And even being closer to him you could see small freckles that lined on the bridge of his nose and some faint ones on his cheeks, closer to his nose. "I can't get enough of you." You whispered out to which Kylo smiled. "Where have you been all my life?" Kylo asked and you chuckled. "On Earth you doofus." You replied and Kylo simply rolled his eyes but a goofy grin playing on his lips.

"I'll tell Phasma to get us out of here." Kylo said as he stood up. But you grabbed his arm.

"Wait, there's someone I have to see."

{ Yeah so um decided to update because I can and call it a late present from me to my dedicated readers :P P.S. I will be updating this book again VERY soon}

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