Chapter 4

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Ruby ~POV~

    *Thats so cute!* ruby thought as she saw weiss cry from the surprise *Wait she's my best friend why am I saying that's cute?*

"Ruby are you okay?"

"My bad I was just thinking." I smiled I was thinking so hard I didn't realize I was staring at weiss when I was doing so *I need to talk to  someone....there's pyrrha I'll talk to her*

When I walked up it seemed like jaune was flirting on accident with pyrrha "Pyrrha I need to talk to you."

"Okay, jaune I'll be right back" and she smiled we walked out of the party and onto the balcony

"So I need to tell you something. But first, I need you to promise not to tell anyone else."

"I pinky promise... so what's wrong?"

"Okay so it's about my crush..."

"You Ruby Rose have a crush on someone! It can't be true." Ruby rolled her eyes

"Every time I see them it's like seeing a angel and, whenever they smile it's like beautiful, and whenever they giggle or laugh it's just like they're singing."

"Wow it sounds like you got your eyes on a golden prize...may I ask who it is though?"

"I know you're gonna be surprised but it's the ice queen...."

" like weiss?

"I'll find someone else to talk to about this then." Then I started walking away

"No it's just that I'm surprised, how long have you liked her?"

"I don't know, I just realized a couple of minutes ago I liked her."

"Are you gonna tell her?"

"No, since she's not gonna like me anyway. Also she's straight."

"Who's straight, and ruby I've been looking all over for you, you dolt where have you been?" Weiss came out of nowhere hopefully she didn't hear our conversation

"Hi weiss we were just talking about assignments ,and we kind of got off topic."

"Well Okay you guys should come back in though, enjoy yourselves." Weiss then smiled and left

Ruby was giving her googly eyes she definitely looked like she was in love

"Oh I can definitely tell you like her, I'm surprised she hasn't noticed as smart as she is."

"Well even if she did know she's amazing either way."

"Let's go back inside we can finish talking about this later, I need to find jaune."

"Of course you do." Ruby giggled they walked back inside to see them singing happy birthday

After that weiss took pictures with everyone and after that me and the team went to the photo booth we forgot we rented

"Come on Blake it'll be fun." Yang smiled

"Only because you'll be in there." Blake blushed

"Okay so how are we gonna fit in this small thing?" I asked

"We might have to sit on each others laps, but that won't be a problem." Usually weiss would freak over something like this but she didn't ruby was surprised

Ruby got in first then weiss who got on her lap *I know I'm kind of being of pervert but she's sitting on my lap! Can I move of course I can't or else it'll seem like I'm trying to do something I shouldn't!*

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