Chapter 12

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Weiss' POV

Ruby you dolt! You better be okay. Wait....why do I care? She's the one that did something so stupid as of wandering off! But then again it's my fault for making her sad.

Once an ice queen always an ice queen. Maybe I didn't have to be so harsh. Or maybe i'm lying to myself.

What if I do like Ruby? That couldn't be I like boys and boys only, unless? Wait no,no,no! Ughhhh! Maybe I should go to sleep maybe me being sleepy is making me think so crazily.

Okay i'm going to go to sleep, and all of this will be over with just like a little dream.

I hope you're okay Ruby.......

Ruby POV

I woke up with a sunlight beam hitting me face. I looked around trying to figure out where I was, I then realized that Roman let me stay with him for the night.

I started to get up and go to the window, I looked outside.'s a beautiful view.

It was 7:45am I gotta he going! I started to walk towards the door, to find Roman already there.

"Hey little Red! Leaving already?"

"Yeah I gotta get to school or else people will worry."

"Well okay, come back whenever you need it, as long as you don't arrest me."

He started to chuckle

"Okay bye Roman."

I waved him off and walked out of the warehouse. How am I going to deal with Weiss? I didn't think this through.....

Ughhhhh, guess I'll find out when I get there.

Weiss' POV

I woke up looking around the room. Blake was already in her uniform. Yang was still asleep. I looked at Blake for conformation.

"She's still not here Weiss...."

I looked down at the ground, the only reason she's gone is because of me. Because of me Ruby left.

I should probably say sorry.....Wait! No I shouldn't, she left by herself. No one told her to leave. That's her fault!

I walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower and lathered the hot water all over my body.

While doing so, I heard someone else's voice rather than Blake's, and it wasn't Yang's.

Could it be her?

To be Continued...........


Hi Guys! So i've been in a bad state lately. My girlfriend might have to move away all the way to atlanta georgia so i'm kinda stress because she doesn't know for sure just yet i love you all i hope you enjoyed this chapter i'll try to make more if i'm not in this state anymore or else i'll put out trashy chapters I love you all!!!

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