Chapter 8

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Weiss' POV

"Weiss what did you do?!" Yang screamed

"I did nothing she was fine before I left this morning..?"

"I'll be back.....Blake wants me to meet up with her for some reason? Please make things right with Ruby..." She walked out. Should I go after Ruby ?

Probably would be the best choice, since Yang said it was my fault.

Ruby POV

I walked around all of beacon trying to find Pyrrha

*Where was she?!*

I walked toward the ice cream shop to see all of team jnpr eating the ice cream flavors they enjoyed i hate to be the queen of interrupting things but this....this was important

"Pyrrha! Jaune, Nora, Ren. Hi guys can i borrow Pyrrha for a sec?" They all just smiled and waved i took that as a yes. Pyrrha got out of her seat and we went outside.

"So what's wrong?"

"So you know how i like weiss right?" Pyrrha nodded her head

"Well last night we slept in the same bed, lea-

"Did you guys ya know???"

"No not at all, i just so happened to have a nightmare. We even cuddled!"

"But what happened that made you so angry?"

"Well I was in the bathroom but weiss left, i didn't know where she went when i came out so i texted her. I asked her where she was....she said she was.....with neptune."

I bursted out in tears.

"Oh my! It's okay Ruby"

"I was in the room and Yang happened to walk in while i was crying and, later after she calmed me down weiss walked in....curling her hair blushing nonstop. Then I realized I could never make her feel that I left I couldn't take it...."

Pyrrha hugged me leaving me crying in her shoulder.

"It's okay Ruby i'm here, don't worry"

I hope i'll be okay, one day.....

Weiss' POV

*Where in the world did she go!?*

I saw Velvet & Coco i went up to them they know ruby better than me they would probably know wheel she was.

"Hey Velvet and Coco, have you guys seen Ruby?"

Coco let her glasses down looking me up and down.

"We don't know where she is but she's probably with Pyrrha."

"Oh okay..Thanks!"

Jaune told me that they'd be going to the Ice cream shop later maybe they'll be there.

To be Continued...........

Hi guys, so i might've stopped writing for a while but i think i have the motive to start again so i'll try updating when i can love you guys!

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