Chapter 13

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Weiss' POV

I heard a voice, it wasn't Yangs and it definitely wasn't Blake's mono-tone voice.

Is it her?

I hopped out of the shower so quickly that I almost slipped. I fixed my hair, threw on my uniform and did any other essentials of any kind. I walked out to see that it was just Blake and Yang.

"Blake was there anyone else here?"

"No, while Yang was talking to me she imitating Ruby."

"Oh, well i'm going to head to class early. See you guys later..."

I left to my first class with Professor Port. I hope Ruby comes today. I need to talk to her.

I was just about to walk inside Professor Port's class until I heard a voice other than his.

I don't know why I keep hearing Ruby's voice everywhere I go.....

I look inside the class to see her.....she's here

Ruby POV

I was talking to Professor Port about class work I needed to catch up on. Just because Weiss rejected me doesn't mean I have to fail.

I was the only one there. After we were finished talking I walked up to my seat. As soon as I sat down I turned around and saw......her

Blake POV


"Yes Yang."

"Why did you lie to Weiss about Ruby, shouldn't she know that she okay?"

I thought about it....

"Well in my mind Ruby wouldn't want her to know yet, she'll see Ruby in class anyway. So it doesn't matter if I told her or not."

"Oh okay."

We continued to walk in a comfortable silence.

"Do you think they'll ever be together together?"

I looked back at Yang with a knowingly smirk. I then stopped walking before we entered the class.

"Yang, they're made for each other. They just haven't realized it yet, well.....Weiss hasn't figured it out yet."

"Well if that's what you think. I think they'll get together too!"

I kissed her on her cheek, and walked into class.



Hi guys i'm back!!! Okay so just know these next couple of chapters might be a little hectic. So i'm sorryyyyyy!!! Also my other story might not be updated for a while. But i'll still work on the next chapter. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!😚🤍

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