Major Fudge and Captain Vanilla

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At the forest  the four of them were spying on Ratigan's army.
" look! Ratigan's Army!" Timmy shouted. "Carrying what's left of our village." Tootie added.
Ratigan's soldiers attempted to catch Rarity but she runs away unharmed. " There they are! Come on! Shouted a soldier who was a lizard.
Cinderella spots trees, "Come on, into the woods!" All four of them ran from the mice and lizards " They're getting closer!" Tootie screamed.
Luckily a rope-laddrr comes to their aid. "Up here!" a voice from upstairs called. "Get them!" The mice said.
The cowboy was lifted by the rope-ladder. " Is everyone alright?" he asked.
Cinderella and the two kids were afraid and Cinderella responded "I'm not really sure." She said.
"Well what have we here?" Major Fudge questioned.
" A wooden Spy? Some kind of ratigan's trap? Captain Vanilla questioned looking at the Cowboy.
" kidnappers as well!" Major Fudge noticed.
"No! they helped us!" Tootie cried.
"If you have nothing to hide, you won't mind answering a few questions." Captain Vanilla said.
Major Fudge told the two children to stay with Natalia.

The cowboy and Cinderella entered the room. "Let's start with who you are and what you're doing here" Major Fudge started the conversation.
The cowboy introduced himself and Cinderella to Major Fudge and Captain Vanilla. They explained that they were victims of Ratigan's magic.
Cinderella elaborated, " we're trying to find the only one who can defeat him: The Sugarplum Princess."
Captain Vanilla was curious of the princess. While Major Fudge dismissed it as a ridiculous story.
"It's the truth told to me by Prince Woody himself." The cowboy explained.
Major Fudge complained, "Ha Prince Woody! He's the reason we're in this mess. If it weren't for that reckless man. Ratigan wouldn't be turning everyone into Knick-knacks."
The cowboy thought Major Fudge was making the Prince look awful.
" Awful? That's a compliment. Major Fudge laughed. He was useless lazy and irresponsible."
"Major Fudge, you're forgetting that Prince Woody was my friend." Captain Vanilla calmed his superior.
Major Fudge was offended, "Captain Vanilla, you're forgetting that I am your superior. I used to have high hopes for that man. Oh no matter. I've got more important things to think about, like saving what's left of all citizens safe from Ratigan! Major Fudge said.
Cinderella concluded, "Then perhaps you should be looking for the Sugar Plum Princess too."
Major Fudge growled, "I don't have time to search for some Sugarpie... well whatever."
Cinderella corrected Major Fudge "Sugarplum."
"Some imaginary princess if you ask me." Added Major Fudge.
Captain Vanilla convinces his superior, "Wait, major! They may be telling the truth I once overheard the king himself believed in her magic. Plus we tried everything else to defeat the rodent. Captain Vanilla elaborated.
Major Fudge is slightly convinced "Do you know her location?"
"We've learned she's on an island, across the Sea of Storms. The cowboy answered.
"Alright. we'll all go looking for the SugarPlum Princess. But I'll be in charge of the adventure! Major Fudge exclaimed.
"Of course" said the cowboy.
Captain Vanilla was concerned about his friend, he question to the cowboy, "Do you know what became of Prince Woody?
The cowboy sadly answered "Ratigan destroyed him." After the conversation, all four of them went to sleep in their rooftop houses.

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