Chapter 18: Judge And Jury.

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A boot nudging into my ribs awoke me from the worst sleep of my life. From the look of the lights outside the small window I knew I couldn't of been asleep long. No light had begun to rise in the sky yet. Still in the darkness half asleep I recognized the ugly face of the guard disturbing my sleep.


Without a word the being hurriedly pulled me to feet leading me down the hallways. Small lights illuminated my stumbling feet along the floor.

"Where are we going?"

No reply.

Man this guy is two for zero.

Normally I got along with most people but it was obvious he and I would never of been friends. Another push and I stumbled along in-front of him.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

I fired away. Still he did not speak. Instead he halted our game of tug of war in front two massive doors. Two guards slightly smaller in size stationed at the door quickly opened them revealing what I could only assume was the throne room.

A chandelier created from black diamonds and black steel hung from the dome ceiling depicting various tales of wars long past. The floor my feet stumbled on were the same black stone I had previously been shivering on. It was a monstrous beauty. Screaming volumes of dark elegance. Shazar pushed me a tad bit gentler than before into the ghostly throne room.

The atmosphere was frightening. The kind of chills one would get when passing a graveyard at the witching hour. My legs trembled as I tried to escape the desolate room but the doors were slammed in my face. Still I clung to the doors savoring the small rays of light escaping from under the massive doors. Darkness was at my back with my face pressed against the door. No amount of pulling would budge the doors even a little.

The sound of liquid gliding over smooth glass was all that could be heard in the darkness. Mental ages of childhood nightmares terrorized my mind. Enjoying the cover of darkness. Biting my lip I braved the sound, creeping forward into the unknown. The chandelier casted eery shadows that danced to the rhythm of my frightened mind.

There in the midst of the maddening fear he sat on his throne. Crimson wine swirling around in the goblet held in his large hand. It was not my comfy chair he sat relaxing in waiting for my entrance once again but his high backed seat of power. Quickly I realized we were alone. No servants stood about and even more frightening no judges sat ready to pass judgement. Just him and I. The thumping of my heart grew irratic. The sloshing in the night ceased abruptly. Leaning back his medium silver hair grey if at the ends gleamed in the dim light. On his head sat the spiked crown surrounding his horns. Just like the first moment I saw him. The shirt upon his back was unbuttoned revealing the top of his bare chest. Black ink poked out from under the black shirt. Everything about this being was majestic and threatening. His voice rang out in the night air.

"Do you know why you were brought to my planet in this manner?

He asked his voice brimming with a teasing kind of anger.

What had the Zexri hag said again?

"I...I disobeyed you..."

My voice shook with uncertainty. No emotion or hint that my answer was right flashed on his face. He sat emotionless.

"Correct. You defied me."

He sighed placing his glass down on the arm of his throne.

"Maybe I was too gentle with you before. With my consideration that you are a species much weaker than my own I gave you the idea that I was not to be taken seriously. A correction must be made."

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