Chapter 20: No Apology.

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Days past in that sterile room. I had taken to sleeping on the small cot in the corner of the room. Out of everyone's way. The senior healer came everyday running the device over the new skin forming on the Genera's back. Every-time she left I was amazed once again at the new skin forming. My hope was the skin would allow him full movements again with out the scars pulling but it was a slim chance. Still even a slim chance was better than he had the moment he was wheeled in here.

After the fourth day the Zexri healer with snowy hair and withered hands approached me. We both sat starring at the man in an induced coma.

"You need to talk... and shower."

Her words surprised me. No one else had spoken any language I could understand in four days.

"You understand me?" I asked. Momentarily taken back.

"Yes. English is many planets second or third language. I know the language because as the leading healer to the royalty and all quests I have to know every language."

"How many languages are there here?" I asked astonished.

"25, but that doesn't include the different dialects. A language spoken in one planet in the south is not the same as the dialect in the north."

25 languages! I could barley speak two fluently.

The mood between us two turned more somber as we started at the man before us. It had become obvious by the first day that we were still in the palace what wasn't clear was why she being the healer to the royal family was treating the General.

"Why are you helping him?" I asked.

"The king was the one who requested I be over this case. In all my thousands of years treating the sick and injured I have never met another being who handles themselves as you did treating this poor man. You have a level head on your shoulders."

"I was in school to become a doctor... a healer they are called here, before I arrived." I explained.

I could of said kidnapped but arrived seemed more fitting. Long ago I had forgiven the General for what he did.

I could forgive him for everything.

"That is not all you are though is it?"

The ancient being questioned turning to look me in the eyes.

"I delivered the king myself 924 years ago and in all those years he has never once taken an interest in the well being of a human."

The way she spoke the word human reminded me of the hatred of the king at my species. At myself.

"I can only assume this sudden change of heart has to do with you. There has been rumor that while on Nix he found his mate..."

As if leading up to something the healer squeezed my hand. Her face wrinkling into a smile.

"I am relieved that after nearly four thousand years that our planet will have a Queen. Especially one as strong, wise and caring as you. Every king needs a queen to pick up where he lacks. As much as I hate afraid to say it our planet is lacking in kindness. Something you seem abundant in."

"You are mistaken. No matter what you heard I could never be the mate to the king. He is nothing but a monster!"

I had expected a defense to come from her mouth. Defending the king. Instead what I received was a pat of my leg and a sad smile.

"To outsiders Zexri are all monsters. Especially the pure lines of the royalty. Brutality is taught before they can even walk on this planet. A quality sought after when breeding. Zexri fathers are particularly hard on their sons and the kings father was no exception."

The look in her eyes seemed to be of a distant memory.

"It does not excuse this type of behavior. The king is a savage!"

No amount of history on how ruthless fathers could be could excuse the damage he had done to an innocent man.

I saw the being beside me clench at the name savage.

"You are correct, this..."

She gestured to the man covered with lacerations lying in front of us.

"This is indeed is inexcusable. But..."

"But what?!?"

I gritted through clenched teeth daring this healer to defend this type of brutality.

"Love makes the beasts in all of us do inexcusable things."

Her looks looked at me in her knowing way. My heart stopped for a brief moment. Wanting maybe to buy into her words.

No way did the king love me. He only wished to claim what he felt he was entitled to. It was a game. A sick game I did not want to play anymore...

As if sending the dark feelings brooding inside me for the child she delivered she woman slowly stood to her feet. Tails of age at her stiff movements.

"As one who knows the king closely I am privileged to certain information. The savage as you so easily call him has not slept since that night. He allows you access to every part of the palace and demanded what ever you are in need of you are to be given. You and the General. Already he gives you rule over the servants as Queen. He is troubled by his actions and I do believe he regrets them dearly but he is a proud king and it is not in his genes to apologize. All his life he has been taught to apologize is showing weakness."

Regret laced her final words before she walked from the room. If things had been different I could of gotten along with her. She stood for no drama and did not sugar coat things. Obviously she was not concerned with speaking truthfully about the king. His good AND bad qualities. Truth be told she looked too old to give a damn about political correctness. After her statement of the Kings regret she simply strolled away. Leaving me with more thoughts then when she had sat down.

So what if the king felt bad for what he did. That wasn't enough. Was it?

The thought of him wrestling with regret unable to sleep sent a pang of sorrow through my heart. Monitors beeped the steady rhythm of my hero's heart.

No. Being sorry was not enough.

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