Chapter 17: Sick And Twisted.

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Air! My body screamed for air. Sucking in a deep breath my lungs filled with precious oxygen once again. The view to both the left and the right were unfamiliar.

Where am I?

Cold steel walls stood at both sides of me. Inside my head a bell was ringing. Groaning at the pain of each movement I sat up looking around. This was not my room and this was definitely not my bed. My bed had been in bad needs of repair. Scooting to the edge my feet dangled off the side. The room was cold and the thin sheet covering my body did nothing in the way of keeping me warm. Wrapping it tighter around my body I jumped down my bare feet stinging on the cold steel of the floor.

What is going on?

Outside the window where the castle grounds were supposed to be was nothing but space. Only blackness with small specks of light like dust in rays of sunlight. Nixvacious was no where to be spotted. Panic set in.

Where am I going? Where is grandfather, Zio and the General?

Just then the steel door at my back opened. Momentarily stopping the flow of question. A fierce Zexrus female stepped into the room. She wasn't the kind you found yourself feeling drawn to and wanted to have a conversation with. Her features were more masculine then I would of guessed for a female Zexri. Her arms were scarred no doubt a tale of her battles. Seeming annoyed at my presence the bold Zexri female spoke.

"Tomorrow we will be landing on our planet Zexrus. The king has requested I watch you until we land."

And watch me she did. Only averting her eyes when I changed into the tunic laid out for me or when I needed to relieve myself in the small bathroom with out a door.

I think some one is taking their job a little too serious.

"Why am I here? Why have I been taken from Nixvacious? I am an Elder, my grandfather needs me."

Obviously by the look of distain on her face I was not her favorite person right now.

"You disobeyed the king. You are being sent to the Zexri planet for trial and to be punished."

Her statement along with the smug look on her face knocked the air from my lungs.

A trial? Was I going to be killed for my disobedience? Had my grandfather and friends met the same fate?

Food was brought to my steel quarters but even the smell made me sick. There was no eating in a time like this. I slid the tray of food away continuing my earlier task which including laying in the small bed and moping. After I pushed the food away I noticed the Zexri female pull a screen up at the touch of her silver cuff typing strange symbols. Even with all grandfathers knowledge I could not translate the Zexrious language.

That night was not much better. The female guard refused to sleep only starring at my back. The night was long with the thoughts of my grandfather and if he was safe. Slowly space became brighter and brighter signaling we were drawing closer to a planet. By morning a it was as almost light as day out. But it was hours before I felt the shift of the craft landing.

"We are here. Put this on and follow me."

Barked the irritable guard. A simple dress and cloak where tossed smacking me square in the face. Usually Zio would dress me which kept the confusion at the weird garbs of fashion to the minimal. Luckily the black dress was simple enough. A high neckline and two uneven holes for my arms. The dress was long covering even my feet making walking a challenge. I tied the cloak in place and walked to the doors behind the guard ready to exit this stuffy room. Ready to be rid of Ms.ngrumpypants.

"You will not speak or look up unless I tell you to do so. Once outside the palace you will be shown to your cell and await trial."

With out needing a response from myself the doors sprang open and we fell in line with several servants. The servants followed richly dressed Zexri. Remembering Ms. grumpypants words I lowered my head not wanting to give her a reason to beat me to death. Something from her manner told me she would be more than happy to do. The material of the flats upon my feet suddenly became very fascinating as we shuffled onward. Every inch of skin was covered by thick material. I felt like a nun.

If that is what they were aiming for they hit the nail right on the head.

After what felt like hours of shuffling light from outside world spilled in as we neared an exit. Guards stood on each side of the crafts door. Guns at the ready. Cheers could be heard coming in from the unfamiliar planet. One after another servants followed royal looking beings. Too soon it was our turn to descend the steps. My first foot step onto the dirt sent a wave of electricity through my body. The shock rattled my body. In response my head lifted locking eyes with the object of my nightmare. He was strolling toward the castle when his progression abruptly stopped. His face crumpled in an eery scowl then he was no longer visible as the hood of the cloak was thrown violently over my head. Strong hands ushered me to walk faster. Pushing and shoving me along.

On Nixvacious I had been treated with respect, here I was a prisoner. No one looked at me, no one talked to me. I doubt any one knew who I even was. I was an Elder being shoved along their streets like a criminal. Drawing closer to the palace the huge black palace blocked out the sun. It shone like a diamond covered in black satin. Compared to the castle of planet Nix this gothic castle looked as though it had eaten the white stone one.

Just as like before guards stood forming a walkway among the people leading the beings of the craft to the palace. We drew closer and closer panic rising with every step. Once inside the rough female yanked my small frame from the line of other females pulling me down a side hallway. The halls were dead. No one came or went.

Surely she was taking me to the dungeon to ready execution.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Yanking the door open as if it were a paper weight I was tossed inside. The door slamming closed.

Again I was forced to wait for anything.

Would soldiers soon come in and carry me off to my execution. Would I be made a public example of what happens to those who disobey the king. Could the king my mate truly kill me so easy? Was he as heartless as they said?

Images of his hands removing my robe sent shivers down my spine. Those hands so capable of murder had been grazing my body. Whispering how my body was the only one that could stir him so much one day and the next sentencing me to death?

Maybe it had all been an act to get into my bed. But if that was so why had he fled my room?

My thoughts rolled over each other resulting in no answers but more questions and a headache. No furnishing were in the room, it was too small for anything else. Nothing but a cold square room one waits for their doom. All I could do was wait and hope beyond hope that my grandfather and friends had been spared after my disobedience.

And wait I did. More hours passed and the light sank below the horizon. The night grew chilly. For once I was grateful for the nun's robe to wrap tighter around my shoulders. I envisioned myself freezing to death before the king could kill me himself.

How disappointed he would be...

I imagined what my tombstone would say.

Here lies Channery Wilde. Last Elder of the first Elder. She died of natural causes stealing joy from the murderous king even in death....

The thought was comical in a sick and twisted kind of way. Resting my head over my arms hugging my knees my eyes grew heavy. I felt my body drift off into a fitful sleep.

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