14. I Won't Let Them Hurt You

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I immediately tensed up as soon as Sir walked in the room again. He came in the door, gun in hand and shut the door, leaving us alone with him.

"Well, isn't this just a lovely predicament?" Sir mused quietly, an ugly smile on his lips.

His eyes were staring right into Ethan's, I felt my blood boil. Ethan grabbed me and pushed me behind him, attempting to protect me. But I think he was the one who needed protecting right now.

Sir narrowed his eyes at me, looking me dead in the eye as he said, "Did someone help you get out?"

Taken back at his question, I narrowed my eyes back at him and in return said nothing.

"If someone let you out, I will find out and they will be dealt with." Sir's eyes shifted over to Ethan, then back to me again. "If you don't tell me, there will be punishments." He told me.

"No one helped me. I escaped by myself." I admitted honestly.

"Is that so?" Sir took a step toward me.

"Don't touch her." Ethan warned, pulling me closer to him.

Sir only rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, this is the only vacant cell we have at the moment. So, it looks like you two are stuck together. Until I figure about what to do with him, that is." He headed towards the door. "Oh, and Blue? Until you tell me how you got out, you won't be given any food as a result of putting me through hell and back." He exited through the door, turning off the lights in the process.

I leaned my shoulder against Ethan's, letting out a sigh of relief. "I thought he was going to do something to me." I said out loud.

"I'm not going let them hurt you, Blue." Ethan turned to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Do you think your punishment is going to get worse?" Ethan asked me.

I was now only fully grasping what Sit told me. No food until I speak up on how I escaped. That's going to be torture. "I can't imagine what else he has planned." I groaned into his chest.

"What did they do to you, Blue?" I heard Ethan ask me.

I felt myself tense up at the question. It's not something I liked to talk about. But I knew I had to be honest with Ethan, I needed to tell him what I got him involved in.

"My blood is blue, it's an extremely rare thing. I don't think anyone else in the world, really, has blood like mine." I started. "The lab have known about me for years, I practically grew up in this place. As a child, the tests weren't as bad, but as I got older they got more gruesome. Sir used my blood as a weapon, he loved to experiment on me too. My blood makes me heal faster than the average human, so he would break my bones, gauge out my eyeballs, stab me with knives, beat me to a fucking pulp— you name it, he did it. Then he would record how fast I could heal." I told him, noticing a tear had slipped down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Blue." Ethan sighed.

There was so much to think about at the moment, like what Sir was going to do to me or Ethan, or how I was planning on escaping again with Ethan, but all I could think about was Ethan. The dim light in the room helped block out everything but him. I wished more than anything that I was sharing the moment at some other time in some other place.

Ethan snuggled up closer to me, causing me breath to hitch. I tried to fight the strange feeling in my stomach and the fact that my face felt as if it was on fire. Ethan shifted slightly, I glanced over at him to see him covering his crotch area with his hand. That made me blush furiously.

"I'm probably going to die, aren't I?" I sighed against Ethan's body.

Ethan visibly tensed then cringed, pulling me closer. "Don't say that. I'm going to let them touch you." He repeated fiercely.

I was quiet for a while, then spoke, "There was so many things I wanted to do in my life."

"Stop talking as if this is the end." Ethan hissed.

But I kept going.

"And one of those things—"


"—is kissing a boy."

Ethan's jaw hung open, staring at me intensely. He swallowed, "You want to kiss a boy?"

I nodded.

He leaned closer to my face, his tongue wetting his bottom lip. "Do you want to kiss me?" His voice was low and gentle, almost seductive.

"Y-Yes." I was now stuttering like an idiot, but Ethan didn't seem to care, all he did was smile. "I-I've never done this so..." I was blushing as I looked into his eyes.

"It's okay, just go for it." Ethan told me. "Close your eyes, lean in and kiss me."

I did as I was told and shut my eyes, closing the short space in between us. Ethan lifted my arms and secured them around his neck, then placing one hand on my cheek, the other gripping my waist. He pulled me into his chest, and when my breasts pressed against his chest, he let out a low sound into my mouth.

My eyes widened, "Not so fa—"

He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine, I melted into him. Ethan moved his head into a new angle, swiping his tongue against my bottom lip. His hands lifted up my thighs, placing me onto his lap as I let him push his tongue into my mouth.

I made a small noise as his tongue swirled around my mouth, exploring it. His hands gripped my waist while my hands ran through his hair. I felt something poke against my inner thigh, causing me to break the kiss and pull away. "Okay, I think we need to stop now."

Ethan cleared his throat. "Yeah, sorry." Ethan spoke and I watched as he helped me off his lap, sitting me down next to him, our backs leaning against the cold wall.

"That was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced." I breathed, resting my head against the hard wall.

"So I was okay?" Ethan smirked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes, "You were more than okay."

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