18. You Made Me Like That!

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I shook my head groggily, trying to ease off the fog of the tranquilliser. I was pretty sure being shot this many times with a tranquilliser gun couldn't be good for anyone, but I doubted anytime would care about that.

I shook my head a second time, my surroundings beginning to register. I was sitting up, even though I had collapsed onto the ground. I went to sit up, but my wrist and ankles were tied down to a chair. I struggled against the ropes for a minute until the pain in my stomach was becoming unbearable.

Through the haze in my eyes and the pain fogging my brain, I looked up, my eyes meeting Sir's. I jumped in my chair, not expecting him to be sitting directly in front of me.

"Evening." Sir grinned. "Hungry?"

I looked around the room, dodging the question. I couldn't help but swallow at the sight of the shotgun resting on his lap.

Sir's eyes followed mine and he smirked. "Just a precaution, as usual."

Suddenly, I remembered Ethan. I felt a cold, sick dread churn in my stomach while fear charged my thoughts. "What have you done with him!" I shouted, struggling against the ropes. "Where's Ethan? What did you do to him?!"

"Don't worry, he's unharmed. He's back in your room." Sir explained.

I searched Sir's face for the truth— the man who was supposed to be my father. But I was too worked up and overwhelmed to think about anything right now.

"Seems like this Ethan boy has taken quite a liking to you. You know, threatening me about harming you and what not." Sir smirked pleasingly. "One night think he's involved with you romantically. Now wouldn't that be something?" I hated the way Sir's eyes looked at me, almost mockingly.

I said nothing.

"You see Blue, that does present a problem, because now I can't just let the boy go. I can't just threaten him to keep his mouth shut and expect he'll listen. With his silly teenage boy hormones, he won't be able to just forget that you exist and move on with his life. He'll try come back, we simply can't risk that." Sir said these things as if he was discussing the weather.

My jaw clenched as I did nothing but
glare at him. The ropes were too tight for me to escape and the chair was bolted to ur floor, so I couldn't just break the chair.

"Now, we have more important issues to discuss—" Sir began but I cut him off.

"What are you going to do with him?"

Sir pursed his lips, letting out a sigh. "We're not going to do what you think we're going to do. Despite what your boyfriend thinks, I am not a monster. Until I know that he won't go to the police about this whole situation, he'll be detained here."

"With me?"

Sir narrowed his eyes at me. "Unfortunately, this facility wasn't made to house...guests. So, your room is the one to keep someone in. So, he will be remaining with you, yes." Sir said. "Let's hope you don't get angry enough to kill him." He smirked tauntingly.

"I won't never hurt Ethan." I said, my voice steady and sure.

"You must have been too young to remember, then."

"W-What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ah yes, I remember that experiment like it was yesterday. I believe you were nine." Sir smiled lightly.

I glared at him. "Of course you would have no problem experimenting on a nine year old."

"Would you like me to help regain your memories?" Sir's smile was cold and mockingly.


"We were testing just how strong and angry you could become. We injected you with a venom, it made your mind and weak. It made you focus on your anger and rage. We left you in a cell for two days without food. Then, we decided to put someone in there." Sir smiled.


"We were watching you the whole time. Until you broke the camera. That's when we had to go in."

"I said stop."

"You were crying. We came in and saw you crouched over that little girls bloody remains, sobbing like you couldn't believer she was dead."

"Please stop!" I sobbed, letting the tears fall as a cry escaped my lips.

"You could end this all now, you know."


"We wouldn't want Ethan to end up like that poor little girl, would we?"

"You made me like that!" I screamed.

"That's all you ever knew, Blue. All you did was get mad and lash out."

"I would never hurt him." I repeated, mustering up all my strength. "Just please let me see him."

"I would have to sedate you..."

"No." I shook my head. "I won't try anything. I promise. Just let me see him."

"Fine." Sir reluctantly said.

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