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Its hard ti explain what you feel when your in the middle of a situation thats so overwhelming. Most of the time I spend with my firend that year after scgool I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to feel and I couldn't face any obstical. I lived with my parents at that moment and I'm not dute how they didnt notice anything until really really later that year. Everything that happened that year went by in a flash and that hardest part of all is that I can hardley remember any of it eber happening. October came and for some reason my parents found out about what was happening. It all whent downhill from there and I ennded up in a medical centre... truth be told I would tell you with a smile what happened, but what scares me the most is the fact that I cant remember how I got there. I remeber the day I went in but before that im blank... I think it ended that way it ended like all the other times ended... with a big fight and me being the bad guy....

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