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This is just a little fanfiction that I thought will be pretty fun to write. It's my first fanfiction so I hope you all like it. 


Cherry Bloom is sitting in the library trying to find more information that she might need for her next mission. She wears a black coat with a black crop top and black shorts that is wrapped by two belts that connects to her knives and guns. Her black boots goes all the way up to her knees. Cherry has long blackish red hair with golden eyes that sparkles with knowledge whenever she is reading and a slim figure that underestimates how strong she is. She also wears a jade bracelet from her mum before she died that she recently found out was a space bracelet. She is smart, beautiful and very flexible suitable for close up combat. She seems to have everything yet she didn't have parents as they died long ago, she only has her friends. She seems to know everything but there was one thing Cherry wasn't clear about and that was her necklace, it is a beautiful silver colour with a school crest called Hogwarts on it, that she can't seem to take off. She also seem to have forgotten some of her memories, as she doesn't seem to have any memory of what happened when she was 11-14 years old. Now she is around 25 years old, she has graduated from Hunter Combat Academy and is in the military for fighting against war with her cat, Berry. 

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