Chapter 1

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I closed my book gently, took off my glasses and stood up after long hours of reading. I stretched a little bit and yawned. "Hey, Berry are you awake?" I asked looking at Berry crawled up in a ball lying on top of my pile of books. Berry has a gradient of black and blue fur and beautiful mocha eyes. Berry slowly opened her eyes and stared up at me annoyingly as if to say 'you just woke me up.'

"Whoops sorry" I whispered. I moved around the library looking for another book when I suddenly felt my necklace pulling me somewhere.

What is this?

I started to follow wherever the necklace was bringing me. Suddenly the necklace stopped in front of a floating book on the shelves.

I looked around.

Isn't this the restricted area, I shouldn't be here...

"Berry, Berry! Come here and look at this" I loudly whispered hoping Berry could hear me.

"Meow" I could hear Berry coming. I didn't want to touch the book until Berry came. Just in case something happens.

Berry popped her head out from the corner of many bookshelves and stared at the floating book. She looked up at me in confusion.

"Same Berry, Same" I am also confused but curiosity kills the cat, and I love an adventure so what could possibly go wrong. I'm not gonna leave to another dimension or anything.

I slowly leaned over to the book stretching my arm and as soon as I touched it a bright light shined into my eyes.

"Youch" The book dropped onto the floor.

"MEOW!" Berry shouted as if to say not to touch it again, but I didn't listen. I wanted to read it, to find out why this necklace brought me here. I slowly opened the book. There was a hole in the middle of the pagers that perfectly fitted the school crest on my necklace. I tried taking the necklace off and it worked! I slowly put the crest in the hole and the necklace's chain turned into a wooden stick. I grabbed the stick and before I could look at it any closer a bright light (again) covered Berry and I. Although my eyes are shut closed I could still see the bright light blinding my eyes.

All of a sudden memories started to flood back in me. I was on a train and (I think) I am waving at my grandmother and then I was sitting on an old stool staring at the crowd of people sitting in their rows with a similar uniform.

Am I at a school? I seem to be wearing an enormous hat because it was covering half my eyes.

Someone was speaking, but I couldn't see anyone talking. Was it the hat? It is moving...

After a while all I heard clearly was "GRYFFINDOR" and a cheer from the first row on the left hand side.

The little me stood up shyly and went towards the house that cheered. The flashback went back to all of the house students standing in front of a painting. What's so special about the painting? Instantly the painting started to talk. I think it was asking for the password... The Head Boy (I think) gave the answer and it opened! We all went in and the dorm was very red. However it was pretty and I liked it. Soon a few flashbacks came back to me when the little me was in classes. Seems like I knew some of my stuff.

Eh? "Move you disgusting mudblood" A boy with dark red eyes said and then after I was shoved and my books fell onto the floor. The little me started to cry and the boy seems to find enjoyment in this and started to laugh. "And that old hat said you were a 'gryffindor,' haha" he continued to say.

What the hell is wrong with him.

Wait... What was a mudblood? The next few flashbacks was me getting bullied and then a few more in classes.

 oh and there's one with Berry and I under a tree reading, and then I saw myself in a teachers office. 

A tall old looking person with a white bread and white hair wearing a blue cloak was standing in front of me. He gave me the school crest and turned the wooden stick, in what I now think is a wand, into a silver chain and put it around my neck and said,

"Forget, and comeback when the time is ready." I seem to be drenched in blood because my hands were red when the old man sent me away and I shouted "PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE PLEASE NOOO" 

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