Chapter 4

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The door opened itself! It opened itself! I mean not that I expected much, but it opened it self without sensors or technology.

Oh, how I love magic. I've been back for a week and I'm still not used to it.

We went in following McGonagall in the best two lines I think we could master down the corridor, but I'm pretty sure we were all too excited to care.

While I was walking and looking up at the beautiful looking sky above me, a girl with bushy hair said "it's not real, the ceiling, it's just bewitched to look like the night sky, I read about it in Hogwarts A History,"

"Oh really, I read about it yesterday, Funny how we read the same book!"

She looked a bit shocked, but went back to normal after a while and was about to say something when Professor McGonagall said "wait along here please"

We spread out a little bit and continued "Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

Dumbledore stood up from his golden chair and said "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students also our caretaker, Mr Flinch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death," well doesn't that sound exciting. I never been exploring Hogwarts much so I didn't know about it, but I wonder what's there to die for.

(A/N get it! Because die as in u die and die as in so happy u could die! Get it! ... probably not)

"When I call your name," McGonagall started, "You will come forth, I should place the Sorting Hat on your head and you would be sorted into your houses." Isn't that the hat I wore before, I wonder if he would recognize me.

"Cherry Bloom" oh look, just my luck, I'm first. I went up and sat on the stool. Professor put the sorting hat on and also whispered "I like your new hair"

"Thanks" I whispered back.

"Ahhh, Dumbledore's told me about you, you seem to be getting along with all the Professors as well." Instantly the sorting hat stopped talking, but he was still talking in my head, 'Yes, Yes, I remember you. A tough choice I would say. But I looked deep down and I saw a lot of Gryffindor in you and I never regretted it, and it seems to be showing a lot more now. Whatever Dumbledore did to you, it really digged Gryffindor out of you.' 

"Thanks?" I replied back, 'Sending me to Gryffindor the last time I was here, was a bad choice, I mostly got bullied for being the shy one.'

'Well it was your destiny'

"GRYFFINDOR!" and their was the cheer. The hat was of my head and I walked over to Gryffindor with a warm smile.

Next was Hermione Granger, the bushy haired girl who read the same book as me, was also put into Gryffindor.

"Congrats, I'd love to be friends with you, afterall we share a common passion for books"

"I'd love too," shouted Hermione and she gave me a big bushy hair hug. Most of the hair nearly went into my eyes.

After that was Draco Malfoy. The hat didn't even need to touch his head and it shouted "Slytherin!" and he gave that smirk as if he achieved something big. Again. Where is the confidence from?

After that was a girl in hufflepuff and then it was the red hair boy, Ronald Weasley, he got into Gryffindor.

After a few more it was Harry potter's turn. He went up and the sorted hat said he should be in Slytherin, but because potter didn't want too. The sorted hat put him in Gryffindor, perfect for my mission. This way I could get closer to him without it being weird.

Harry potter looked back at Dumbledore and he toasted him startly. Oh tsk tsk Has no one told you Dumbledore... having favourites is not good.

After everyone was sorted into their houses McGonagall said "Attention please?" and clinged her glass a few times.

When everyone went quiet, Dumbledore stood up, "Let the feast begin" and suddenly food just magically appeared on the table.

Oh I truly love this place with all my heart.

"This is amazing, right Hermione"

"Yeah, my parents are 'muggles,' how about yours"

"'Muggle' too, I think we are fated to be friends"

While I was having a nice conversation with bushy hair Hermione, I was eavesdropping on Potter's conversation.

"Say Percy, Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell" Potter asked a senior boy with red hair beside him.

"Oh, that's Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin house."

"What's he teach" Potter replied with the best grammar he could do

"Potions, but everybody knows it's the dark arts he fancies." Hmmm, dark arts eh? I did ask him if I could borough some of the materials in his class to make a potion a few days ago, he didn't seem so bad, but he seemed to like my red hair a lot. "He's been after Quirrell's job for years" Percy continued. Interesting, I wonder if it's just a rumour though.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly a pale head popped out of the roasted chicken legs. The whole front table got scared and Hermione literally dropped her cutleries.

"Hehe" I softly laughed and Hermione heard it and hit my arm

"What's so funny, Cherry"

"Ha..ha.. Nothing... nothing at all" Dam this bushy haired girl is scary when mad.

"Hello?! How are you," the ghost head said as he turned his head around to face Ronald. "Welcome to Gryffindor" and just as he said that many other ghosts came flying into the hall with the accompany of children laughing.

"Hello, Sir Nicholas, Have a nice summer?" Percy said, looking somewhat keen to have a conversation with ...a ghost

"Dismal. Once again, my request to join the headless hunt has been denied." and with a sassy ghost face he flew away.

"I know you! You're Nearly Headless Nick!" Shouted Ronald in realisation.

"I prefer Sir Nicholas, If you don't mind."

"Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?" Hermione asked, you guys just don't want this ghost to leave do you?

"Like this" and he pulled his head of his body showing everyone how he's 'nearly' headless.

And you could clearly see the disgust on all the first years faces. 

One of the senior red hairs next to Ronald just watched well eating a chicken leg.

Sir Nicholas just put his head back and raised his eyebrows and flew off.

"So did you enjoy the answer, Hermione"

"Of course, Cherry, I don't even know how I'm gonna be able to finish the food on my plate."

"Well you shouldn't have asked, haha"

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