Chapter 7

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"Have you heard? Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well." Nick said passing Harry and Ron.

"Seeker? But first years never make their house teams! You must be the youngest Quidditch player in..." Ron said in excitement to Harry

"A century, according to McGonagall." Harry said proudly.

"That's bloody brilliant" I shouted copying Ron

"Hey that's my line, Cherry" Ron complained.

"Hey, well done, Harry, Wood's just told us!" a boy with red hair said.

"Fred and George are on the team, too. Beaters." Ron said,

"Are they your siblings, Ron? How do you know which ones Fred and which ones George?" I asked in confusion.

"You don't" They replied in sync.

"I'm Fred Weasley"

"And I'm George Weasley"

"Hi, I'm Cherry Bloom"

"Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game, Quidditch." George said

"Brutal. But no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally.." Fred said

"But they'll turn up in a month or two!!" George finished, and with that, we went separate ways.

"Oh, go on, Harry, Quidditch is great. Best game there is! And you'll be great, too!" Ron said, well Hermione saw me and came to join in the conversation.

"But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry said looking anxious.

"You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood." Hermione said, "Come, follow me"

We look at each other and follow her. We came into a trophy shelf and Hermione points at one trophy in particular.

"Whoa. Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker, too." Ron said in amazement

"I-I didn't know." Harry said looking proud as well.

"Thens there is nothing you need to worry about, Harry, I bet your father would look after you from the sky" I said resuaring him as we walk down the hallway up the stairs.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do." Ron said

"Who doesn't?" Harry sadly said.

"And plus, what does she not know," I added

Harry and Ron both nodded in agreement. Suddenly, the staircase shudders and begins to move. All four of us grab the railing.

"Ahh!" Ron screams

"What's happening?" Harry asks in confusion.

"Well if you were listening to the Head boy on your first day here, you would know that-"

"The staircases change," Hermonie said finishing my sentence.

"We should really stop doing that" I told Hermione.

"Nope, I like it."


"Lets go that way" Harry said

"Before the staircase moves again." Ron added,

We open a door and walk into a spooky, dark room.

"Does anyone feel like...we shouldn't be here?" Harry said,

"We're not supposed to be here." Hermione said

"This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden." I whispered, "Everybody stay low and be quiet"

"Let's go." Harry said

Suddenly, a flame lit on a tall stone. At that moment, the caretaker's cat, Mrs Norris, comes running in and meows.

I whispered in to my jade bracelet. "Berry, if you don't mind could you lead a certain cat away from here"

"It's Filch's cat!" Ron shouted,

"Run!" Harry said and all three of them ran away, but before I went with them.

Berry came out of my bracelet and put her paw towards her head to say she would get the task finished and we went our separate ways. Berry went towards the Filch's cat and I ran towards the Trio running as if their bottom was on fire.

We run as flames lit following where we go.

We get to the end of the corridor, and reach a door.

"Quickly, hide inside that door" Harry shouted as he grabs the handle, but he can't seem to open it. "It's locked!"

"That's it, we're done for!" Ron said while looking back frightened.

"We're not going to be done for, Ron, Now shut up and be quiet" I snapped at him.

"I got it," Hermione said and pulls out her wand, "Alohomora." and the door creaks open. "Get in."

We all scurry in and Ron said afterwards "Alohomora?"

"Standard book of spells, Chapter 7." Hermione said, "Did you read that book, Cherry?"

"No actually, but I'll read it when I finish my other books."

"Filch is not coming and the cats gone too." Hermione said in surprise.

"Probably thinks this door's locked." Ron said in happiness

"It was locked." Hermione added.

"And for a good reason." Harry said, and we turned to see a massively three headed dog sleeping in front of us. The dog, begins to wake. It growls, yawns, and growls more...noticing that there are intruders

Harry, Ron and Hermione all scream in my ears and they bolted, running out of the door, with me startly following them.

"Hurry up Cherry!" I walk out of the door and all three of them slam the door shut and locked it firmly just in time before the dog crashes onto the door. 

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