38. Making a better place

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Pia's pov - I was tired. I locked myself in my room for whole 3 days without communicating, eating and sleeping. I was feeling like the weight of the world was on me and it was quashing me underneath it.

So many things at a time. Thank God Jenny, swera and Mike went on that vacation to Italy so that they can't see me in my this state. Belna, Avex and ogras tried talking with me through closed door many times but I completely shut them down. They know what happened. Finally after trying for whole 2 days, maybe they decided to leave me alone. I know they are worried about me but I can't help myself right now. So many things together to handle at a same time, takes every ounce of your energy.

Mom and dad left,
All my aunts and uncles left,
Frek left,
Carter left,
Henry left,
All the gang work is pending,
I am lacking behind in my studies a lot,
I have to take care of everything, right from all the property bills to the payments of all the staff.
I have completely left training,
My health is not good,
I am emotionally too weak,
I have to protect everyone.

Everyone left me to handle everything on my own. In the sense I am so grateful that I am elder than Jenny and I have to take care of everything including our gang. Because I wouldn't want the same things happening to Jenny at all, not only Jenny but swera and Mike too.

There were so many messages and calls from everyone on my mobile. Leaving knight riders and cobra gangs. I sighed remembering there is no gang knight riders anymore. Carter left and edi, Liam and Xavier also decided to leave the gang and concentrate on studies. After the leader and second, third and fourth in command lives, there is no future for such gangs. That's why everyone left and now as a result there is no gang called as knight riders anymore. No body knows where carter went, I know edi, Liam and Xavier will search for him. I haven't called or messaged him yet, and I don't know if I will anytime soon. But I can't deny the fact that I miss him.

I miss him,
I miss edi, Liam and Xavier
And I miss knight riders.

I never thought one day I will say something like this about my enemy, enemies or enemy gang.

And thinking about Henry, I had lost my last hope with him a long time ago. Daneil, Rick and James will also never forgive me.

I exhaled exhausted and got up. It's enough. Everything is enough. I have to be strong for everyone, till the day there is blackblood, till that day I have to be strong. This killing, bloody bodies, mafias and dirty gangwork has took a toll on me. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

From today blackblood will only work for good. To make this society a better place.

I took a shower, went down and started eating breakfast. I needed as much as possible energy today to declare my decisions with everyone.

"Hey" Avex said entering into the dinning area.

"Hey" I smiled.

"How are you?" He asked while rubbing his eyes, they were red and puffy and there were dark circles under his eyes. He was tired.

"Good now" I said.

"And how is work Avex?" I asked. He sighed.

"Hectic" he said.

"Where are others?" I asked again while eating. Linda came and served him his breakfast.

"Belna was having some work in school and ogras went to run some errands in near town but he will be back anytime now" He explained.

"Ok. Relax and eat first then you can talk about work, give yourself break my dear" Linda said and gave us our orange juice. We nodded at her and she kissed our boths cheeks and went.

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